The new Agearator

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Bree's P.O.V.

We were still locked in the cell.Everything was silent.Chase had fallen asleep on Adam's lap and the rest of us didn't know what to say.We were all trying to figure out a way to escape.Suddenly the metal door opened and Douglas came in smiling."What do you want Douglas ?"I asked."I just came to make sure you're still trapped.It was so quiet I was afraid you escaped"he said and looked down at Chase who was still asleep."Aww how cute.Little Chasey is sleeping"he said and typed something on the cyberdesk. Then we heard a loud alarm and Chase stood up terrified with his hands on his ears because his super hearing made the sound ten times louder.Then the alarm stopped and I could see in Chase's face the fear and pain although Douglas looked like he was enjoying it."Why did you do that ?"I asked hugging Chase trying to comfort him."What ?It was fun"he said.I got furious but before I could say anything Adam spoke."DON'T YOU EVER DO ANYTHING TO MY LITTLE BROTHER OR I WILL KILL YOU!!!"he said not even a bit scared"Oh Adam we're just in the beginning"."Why don't you tell us your plan Douglas ?What are you going to do with us ?"Leo asked."Isn't it obvious ?I want my what was stolen from me.I want my soldiers.I will just get rid of you later"he replied.Leo's eyes widened."And what are you going to do with Chase ?He's only three.He can't fight yet"I said."Oh I will just shoot him with this to make him 15 again"he said looking at Chase and he pulled a device out of his pocket.Wait.That looks like the Agearator.IT IS THE AGEARATOR!!!."Where did you find that ?"Leo asked."I built it.Although I won't change him right now"he said."Why not ?"Chase asked."I have to upgrade the Triton App so you won't snap out of it and of course have a little fun"he said and left the room.I felt Chase's body shaking and I hugged him tighter."Don't worry Chase.We won't let Douglas hurt you again"I soothed him.

"What are we going to do ?"Adam asked."We have to tuwn dat switch up"Chase answered."But how are we going to do that ?We are in a cage.We can't reach it"I said."Wait what if Chase uses his molecular kineses ?"Leo said."Leo that's a great idea"I said excited."What's mowecuwar kineses ?"Chase asked.Oh right he doesn't know about this ability because it's new."You can move things with your mind.You just have to do something like that"I move my arm up"and the objects move.Come on try"I said."Ok"Chase said and rose his arm.In the beginning the switch didn't move but then the switch started going up slowly until the laser cage disappeared from around us."Yes, well done Chasey"Adam said."Ok we have to get out of here"I said."Not yet.We need to get the Agearator.It's our only chance to turn him back to his age without Big D notices it"Leo said."But we don't know where it is"Adam said."It's pwobably in his office.If he has one"Chase said.We all looked at him."What ?"he asked."Chase that was a great idea"I said.He smiled."But I don't understand.He's only three how did he think that ?"Leo asked."I may be thwee but I'm stiww a supew genius"Chase said.I laughed.It doesn't matter how old he is his ego remains the same."Ok but where is his office ?"Adam asked."I saw it before.It's somewhere in this hallway"Leo said."But this hallway it's really long.There's no way we can check all the doors without getting caught.We need to separate"I said."Ok Bree go with Leo I'll go with Chasey"Adam said picking up Chase."Ok be careful guys"I said and we got out of the room.Leo and I went to check the doors on the right while Adam and Chase  went to check the doors on the left.I wish we can find the Agearator and get out of this place without getting caught.

So this is it.Will they find the Agearator or will Douglas capture them again?Read the next chapter to find out.See you next week.BYE!!!

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