Chapter 4

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A/N:  sorry abut the super short chapters, this is the first book I have written, (wrote? Writed?) soooo yes. And sorry if it isn't super descriptive or there is too much talking. I am gonna work on that. Like I said, it is my first book.

          "I'm not teasing you Jett," said a small voice to his left.
          "Oh, Leiahnora, I thought you were still in the cockpit!" Jett said, rather surprised. He didn't hear her coming at all. That girl was seriously quiet all the time.
          Emilee rolled her eyes at Jett, "Honestly, can you be more ignorant? She has been there ever since Windfare here got the hatch open."

          Leiahnora nodded, "Yes, that is true." She was a girl of little words, evidently.

          Lucas groaned underneath part of the hatch, "Hey, can you help me out of here now? I am kind of in pain here, so..."

          She pretended to think for a moment, then said, "Fine, I guess I can help you. Come on!" She grabbed the hatch and pulled it up, waiting for Lucas to roll out of the way, and set it back down. "That is HEAVY!" Emilee said as she breathed out.

         "Yeah, what do you expect?" Lucas asked her, standing up, "That is the thing that is keeping the space out of the ship." He smiled, but Emilee just looked at him funny and walked away. "Hey, where are you going? We still need to introduce each other properly!"

          Emilee stopped, then sighed as she turned around, "I suppose so. Jett!" He looked up and nodded.

          "I am Jett Raider, pilot, rebel." He said, standing straight. 

          The small girl stepped forward, "Leiahnora Shrendell, rebel."

          Finally Emilee stepped forward and said, "Emilee Adler, rebel, Jedi."

          Lucas's eyebrows went up, "Well, no wonder you guys were so beat up. Nice to meet you. I am Lucas Windfare, pilot and explorer. I guess I'm a rebel now too, for helping out a Jedi. The Empire doesn't forgive." He looked at their ship. "Change of subject, your ship is gonna need repairs. Howabout I fix it for you? It costs a lot of money to hire a repairman, but I will do it for the cost of exploring some ruins in this planet with me."
          Emilee interrupted him, "Ruins? Why do want to see ruins? They sound boring."
          He looked at her, "They look awesome, first of all, and I am an explorer. I can't not go. So, does that sound good?"
         She thought for a moment, then said, "Where are these ruins that you want to see?"
          Lucas's eyes lit up, and a huge smile spread across his face, "Alright! Let's fix this thing!"


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