Chapter One: So It Begins

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"We're finally doing it!" My friend was jumping up and down on my bed, her curly chocolate brown locks bouncing up and down, up and down... I watched her hair move along with her, and shrugged. "Aren't you excited!?" She hopped off my bed and walked over to where I was sitting- across the room from her, in my office chair. "You know we've been dreaming, and planning, to do this for years! Since Freshman year of High School. And that was like, what, seven years ago?" I looked up at her and nodded. "Yes, Charlotte, I'm excited." It sounded somewhat forced. Something she could hear immediately. She wasn't happy about it. Charlotte's smile faded, and her normally large, sea blue eyes transformed to skeptical slits. She crossed her arms. Uh-oh. It looked like I was going to get a scolding. "Dude. Logan. What the hell is up with you? I know you've been saving up for this and everything. I know you're excited. Why are you acting like this is suddenly a pain in the ass for you?" I sighed and shrugged again, looking down into my lap.  Charlotte didn't take that as an answer. "Logaaaaan~ Please tell me why you're not excited about coming with me on this trip~?" She cooed, her voice soft and velvety. The next thing I knew, Charlotte was in my lap, her legs on either side of mine, and her arms wrapped around my neck. My eyes were still glued to my lap, and I noticed the skirt she was wearing was riding up slightly. My breath hitched and I went into panic mode. "I'm just nervous!" I gasped, my body rigid and my hands clinging to the sides of the seat of my chair. She smirked and slowly slid from my lap, a devious little giggle spilling from her perfectly pink lips. She was very satisfied. "You know, for a gay guy, you really just act like a nervous little straight boy around chicks. Are you sure you haven't been lying to me this whole entire time?" I rolled my eyes and sank into my seat, finally relaxing a bit after that unexpected assault. "No. I haven't been lying to you. Yes, I'm gay. And... I just... Don't like touching. You know that." Charlotte rolled her eyes again. "Whatever," she muttered. She sat down on my bed and, in the most lady-like fashion, crossed her legs. Blue eyes were boring into my lack luster brown ones. I knew what she wanted. "I'm just nervous, okay? I'm allowed to be nervous...." I ducked my head and looked away, shyly rubbing my arm. "It's going to be fun, Logan! Every young person wants to take a road trip! And, dude, we get to take a road trip to freaking Los Angeles! Who the hell gets to do that!? Umm, not many. Well... Relatively speaking, I guess. But... You know what I mean!" I said nothing, and kept my gaze lowered. I could hear her sigh. "Okay, in all seriousness, why are you nervous?" I thought for a moment as I chewed on my bottom lip. "I.. I'm not completely sure. I'm just... I mean... This is a long drive. And I'll be far from home. It'll be the farthest I've ever been from home, and I just can't help but worry, you know? I don't want to leave my mom alone, and... I guess I'm just still not that used to spending so much money on something like this. I know it'll be fun, and I know we'll have a good time, and of course I'm really excited I'm going to be going with you, but... I just have to get over the nerves." After a moment of just staring at me, Charlotte smiled. "Silly. You don't have to worry. We'll have a fun drive there, and we'll have a fun time in LA. We've got so much to see and do, you won't have time to worry. I'm sure you have more than enough money for this trip, and if not, I can spot you, if it's needed. And your mom... Well... I mean, she's got her boyfriend..." I gave my friend a blank look, as if to ask 'are you serious?' "You know he's a total tool bag, Charlotte... But I guess you're right. Even Chad is better than nothing. At least he'll be here to check on her and keep her company." She smiled widely at me and nodded. "See~? Not a care in the world! Now come on, you have to help me pick some new clothes out at the mall for this trip! I need to look sexy for all of the hot LA boys!" I sighed heavily. "Why do I have to go!?" Stupid question. "I need my gay! You know I need a queer eye around, to get a second opinion." That actually made me smile a little. It was just funny because... We both knew I had horrible fashion sense.

The days following mine and Charlotte's conversation, we both got ready. We both made lists, and checked them twice. We packed, unpacked, and packed again. It was a chore, trying to figure out if we had everything necessary, but eventually we both gave up. We checked our bank accounts and made sure we both had enough for hotel accommodations, food, activities, and whatever else. Luckily this month long trip wouldn't be spent in hotels alone, since Charlotte's Aunt and Uncle lived in LA, and we could stay there for a week or two. As long as they could stand us. It'd be nice, too, since we could re-group there and take a little bit of a break from the hustle and bustle of what was known as Los Angeles.

I still felt nervous about the trip. Even now as I was packing and getting ready the night before, and making sure, for the millionth time, that everything was in order, and that nothing would go wrong, and that this trip would go smoothly. I was still nervous. Living in San Francisco, one would think I'd be used to the city life, and all of that. LA seemed so far away, though. It was the one place where people really went to live out their dreams. Models and actors and designers and graphic artists and, well... Everyone. They were all there. And I was... Just one person. A tourist. I guess I just wasn't ready to feel small and inadequate and just be another visitor. I sighed quietly and looked down at my packed luggage. Suddenly, I got a text from Charlotte. I looked to the lit up screen on my bed, and picked it up. She sent me a picture of herself, looking annoyed. It read- 'u betta not b sulking over there.' I shook my head at her horrible chat speak and turned off the phone. For the rest of the night I spent my time on the computer, watching YouTube videos of the bloggers that made me happy, and made for forget about my nerves - Jenna Marbles, Smosh, Gamer Grumps, PewDiePie, and my personal favorite, Tobuscus. By the time I finally managed to tear myself away from the computer screen, it was late, and I was exhausted. Still in my clothes, and with my teeth unbrushed, I fell onto my bed, and actually managed to fall asleep. I dreamed about our trip that night.

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