Chapter Two: On Our Way To Great LA

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I woke up the next morning with a bit of a headache. It was probably from all of the worry the previous night coupled with the fact that I had been up late, staring at a computer screen. Silly me for doing that to myself. Again. I sighed at my own idiocy and stared up at the ceiling of my room. I hadn't even been up five minutes before I heard my phone ringing and vibrating on my night stand. It made me jump. Quickly, I rolled over onto my side and grabbed the phone. Charlotte. Of course. I rolled my eyes and answered it. "Hello?" I grunted, my voice hoarse and somewhat husky from  sleep. "Ooooh, mister Logan! You sound so sexy in the morning! I have to remember to call you more often right after you get up.... You did just get up, right? Or.. Did I wake you? You knew you were supposed to set your alarm for seven, you jerk! It's already seven thirty! I'm almost ready to leave!" She continued to yell at  and scold me until she was out of breath. Before my friend could catch her breath and say anything more, I interjected. "I woke up at seven fifteen. Sorry. I just woke up with a head ache so I've been lying here, waiting for it to go away. It hasn't, though, so I'm going to go take some pills. I'll be ready by eight, Char, I promise. I won't make us late, alright?" I smiled, hearing her small, defeated sigh. "Fine. You better be! Don't think I won't spank you! Or slap you! Don't make us late! Remember, we've got a long ass drive ahead of us!" After giving my goodbye, I got up and started getting ready. Taking a shower and brushing my teeth were first on the list. It felt so good to get squeaky clean in the shower... Especially after sleeping in my clothes. Same went for brushing my teeth. Now I knew never to skip a night's brushing again.

Now feeling clean and somewhat presentable, I shuffled back into my room and grabbed some clothes. The first things that I saw, really, which happened to be a hulk t-shirt and a pair of jeans. The outfit was finished off with a plain black belt and a pair of black converse. It was pretty obvious I really didn't have a sense of style. I guess I was just one of the few gay guys that stuck to 'straight' men's clothes - jeans and t-shirts. I will never understand why Charlotte still insisted that I go shopping with her.

Shrugging it off, I grabbed all of my luggage that was laying around haphazardly on my floor, and dragged it  all down the hall. Finally, I got all my things to the door, and set them down properly. God, all this crap was heavy. Lugging it all to the door made me feel like a bit of a weakling. Here I was, trying to catch my breath. While my breathing slowed, I checked my phone for the time. Seven fifty. Excellent. Ten minutes for a good breakfast. I darted into the kitchen and threw together some toaster waffles, syrup and milk as quickly as I could. As soon as I sat down, though, I heard a knock at the front door. My shoulders slumped. I got to my feet and slowly walked to the door. When I opened it... All I saw was Charlotte's bright, smiling face. "Wow, you look like hell," she chirped, skipping past me, and letting herself in as if she owned the place. "Jee, thanks." I closed the door and turned to look at her. "Hey, Char... I know you're going to kill me, but... Can I please eat my breakfast? Please? I'm really hungry..." I must have looked even more pathetic than I felt, because she nodded yes. We both walked back into the kitchen and talked about what we'd do while in LA. This wasn't the first time we'd had the conversation. It was probably the hundredth time, in reality. We'd talk about it time and time again... Just because it was so exciting. And, now that I thought about it... I really was excited now. The nerves seemed to be dissipating, and real, genuine excitement was taking their place. Maybe some sleep was all I needed.

Breakfast was over, and it was time to go. I made sure to clean my dishes as quickly as possible and put them away, since I could tell that Charlotte was getting antsy. She was mad at me, but she was being too nice to say anything about it. When all was said and done, the two of us grabbed my luggage and hauled it outside. But, before I locked up the house, I yelled a 'goodbye' up to my mother. There was no response, so I left it at that. She was still asleep.

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