Chapter Seven: Dinner for... Four?

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My next three visits with the famed Tobuscus were one in the same. Same routine; I'd get to our meeting place moments before Toby, he'd approach me while I was busy doing something embarrassing be it sketching in my sketch book (which I didn't even let him touch, despite his curiosity,) singing quietly to myself, or simply zoning out, into my own little world. He'd walk up on me and crack some corny joke and I'd sit there and take it. After that, he'd take my phone and do whatever he pleased with it. Every time he took it, too, I'd tell him not to waltz over to me and sneak me into his stupid videos, and every single time, he would. After the second time, I had stopped watching those videos. I didn't want to see myself, and, I didn't want to read the comments. I could only imagine what people were saying about me, and I didn't need any of that nonsense in my life. I was already paranoid enough.

Before every meeting, too, Charlotte would get into another argument with me, each one worse and worse, too. They seemed to become less playful, and more angst ridden. So, she really wanted to spend time with Gabe, it seemed. That's what all of the arguments were about, anyway. I really, really didn't want to bother Toby with her weird obsessions, and I didn't want to come off as creepy and desperate, but... It was for Charlotte. She was a good friend, so why not? I was already embarrassed every time I saw Toby anyway, and still a little star struck, so why not just pile more on? The worst he could say was no...

So, by the end of the fifth meeting, I had gathered up enough courage to finally... Finally ask Toby about hanging out.

"Um... Yeah...See, Charlotte really wants to hang out with Gabe. I dunno why she's so interested in him all of a sudden, but she is, and I guess she wants to... Well, I actually don't know what she wants to do. So yeah... She's been like, begging me to ask this past week and I finally agreed to it, so... What do you say? Do you think you and Gabe would want to do something with Charlotte?.. Uh... Me and Charlotte?" I could feel the awkward expression on my face. I scratched at the back of my head slightly, looking at anything but Toby's face. I had really wanted to ask him if he wanted to come along, too, to possibly spend some time with me, but I was too chicken. He was probably much too busy, anyway.

Finally, I forced myself to look up and at Toby's face. He was watching me, a calculating expression on his face. That got me worried. "Are you sure you aren't just trying to get the four of us to hang out?" My eyes widened slightly, and I could feel my cheeks flush slightly. "I swear to God she's just getting unbearable and she wanted me to ask you about Gabe, I swear. Believe me, I hadn't really wanted to ask at all since, well... It's a stupid thing to ask. She'd wanted me to ask you about it since the first day you and I met up." He hummed quietly at my response and nodded. "I'll ask him about it and get back to you tomorrow, alright?" I nodded in agreement, and after I got my phone back, we parted ways. For the rest of the day, I felt like a complete jackass. Stupid Charlotte, threatening me and scaring me into doing her bidding... I'd have to get back at her at some point...

The next day was much of the same. More embarrassment, more vlogging, and more of me being a part of it. Oh, and being called a phone smasher for what, the sixth day in a row? I was about ready to clock Toby for that new 'nickname,' but of course, that was never going to happen, so I sat there in silence and glared. As usual, the vlog didn't last all that long, and he was done within ten minutes. Toby sauntered back over to the bench where I was sitting and took a seat next to me. I didn't look at him. Instead, I just continued to watch the people milling about, back and forth. It was quite interesting, really... I definitely had to remember to take a day to people watch here in LA before going back home.

"So, I thought it over," he finally began, breaking the silence that had been becoming just a bit unbearable. It took me a moment to figure out what he was talking about. "I mean... Me and Gabe thought it over. He's a little creeped out by your friend, but I convinced him. I mean... Charlotte, right?" I nodded, still not looking at him. "Right. She doesn't seem too bad. Might do the grumpy little nugget some good." I held back a smile with all my might, but to no avail. I glanced over at him and shook my head. "Still on that nugget bit?" Toby made a 'pfft'ing noise with his lips and waved my looming words away. "Of course. That'll never get old." I rolled my eyes, my smile taking a more mischievous edge. "But, he had one condition." As quickly as my smile had changed, it disappeared. I raised my eyebrows, my gaze now glued to my company's face. "A condition?" I echoed, my voice laced with fairly obvious concern. "Yeah. He wants me to come. And you have to, too." I almost blurted those dreaded words; 'a double date??' But luckily I had caught myself before that had made this moment even more awkward than it already was. Toby was most definitely straight and I most certainly didn't want to freak him out and scare him off. Ever since this whole phone incident happened, my feelings towards the other guy felt like they were on a miserable roller coaster... But still... I dared call us friends. At least, in my own head I thought of the two of us as friends, and I didn't want to muck that up. I had to think of something else to say, quick. Quick! Don't just sit there like a slack-jawed idiot!... Oh.. Too late...

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