chapter 13

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I spent all day yesterday having to explain to noah about josh and VSK .I decided to leave out the part about me and josh face to face.since noah is part of VSK he thinks its a good idea to join them.He says we'll both be bad and work togeather.

I have another meeting with josh today,I have to tell him what I decided to do,leave the SSOS and rule VSK or stay with SSOS as a regular spy.I spent all last night night thinking about this and now im sitting here drinking coffee with noah still thinking about it.

"I should probably go now for the meeting"I tell noah, I give him a quick kiss and leave
"Good luck babe"he says as I close the door behind me.

I get in my car and I dont know why but I feel excited to see josh when I get there the man leads me the same way he did last time. I hear my black heels clicking on the floor im wearing a tight black dress that goes down to my thigh.I walk into the room and josh is sitting there at his desk.

"Anne welcome back I actually missed you"josh says smiling,he stands up and hugs me and then sits back down.
"I missed you to,im glad to be back " I say smiling.
"So lets get down to it have you decided yet" he asks looking me straight in the eyes.
I start to stutter "Well ummmm...I have decided to..."


My phone starts ringing
"Just a minute please"I tell josh,
I get up and turn around and put the phone to my ear

"Hello whos this"I ask
"Is this anne" asks a ladys voice
"Yes this is she now who is this" I ask again
"This is Rachel from the police and im sorry to tell you your parents were hit by truck and died instantly on sight we need you to come right away "the lady says with a sad voice.

At the sound of that news I drop the phone I feel tears going down my face,I fall to the floor on my knees with my face in my hands.

"anne what happened whats wrong"asks josh sounding really worried for me
Josh bends down on his knees and starts hugging me,I wrap my arms around him and im crying and sobbing I can feel josh's hands running through my hair.

"Shhhhh whats wrong"josh asks
"That-that was a-a police officer my parents are-are are dead" I say through sobs.
"It was a damm truck driver"I say screaming and crying at the same time.
"I have to go"I realize.

I start to head towards the door until he stops me and dangals car keys in front of me
"Im coming with you"
I dont argue or protest I let him come.

I cried almost the whole way there I tried really hard to stop but I couldnt.Josh was driving.

When we got there I went to the police station they already had my parents bodys.The truck driver that killed my parents was drunk and he's in a coma at the hospital.They say he hasnt even moved let alone wake up.

I spent the whole week planning a funeral choosing flowers,telling people to come,and even picking a coffin and gravestone color with vase to put flowers.

The funeral is tomorrow everyone that knew my parents is coming.Noah keeps texting and calling I just told him that im visiting some freinds.
Josh hasnt left my side at all he saw my house and my old school.

I decided to move to LA the question is were.With noah at his house or ruleing the VSK with josh.I havnt decided all I can think about is the funeral tomorrow.

This afternoon all I did was pack my stuff for when I do move.I packed everything my clothes,pictures,makeup and perfume,my blanketts,and I hired a moving truck to take my furniture to were ever im going.

Most of my parents things I decided to give to charity.Its for the best I guess.For now me and noah are sleeping in my house in seperate rooms of course.

I called noah yesterday I ended it with him,I dont really think I want a boyfreind right now plus I cant drag noah down with me.

Im laying down in the dark crying wishing things were diffrent but there not this is my life what I do with it is up to me now.

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