Truth or dare?...what can go wrong

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his house was fuckin huge! "So what do you wanna do"mark said looking at the floor "i dont know.........oh how about we invite bob and wade over we can play drunk truth or dare" "why the fuck not"
~~~~~ *time skip lol*~~~~~~
"Jack truth er dare" wade said in a slurred voice "IM NO PUSSY, DARE!" Wade smirked at me "i dare you to take off marks shirt and kiss his neck for 30 second" (A/n shits about to go down) I looked at mark me and him were blushing so i took off his shirt holy fuck hes hotter in real life i placed my lips gently on his neck and started nibbling i moved around till i hit his sweet spot he let out a soft moan so i disited  to keep nibbling and sucking his sweet spot "times up!" It took me a couple seconds to pull away sense he and I were enjoying it once i stopped he put his shirt back on "ok wade truth or dare" "dare" big mistake wade "ok i dare you to take a picture of you in your boxers and post it on twitter" so wade took off his pants and took a picture and sent it to twitter then put his pants back on "there happy now mark truth or da-"wade got cut off "DARE!" "Hahaha what the fuck ummm i dare you to palm jack for 1 minute" a silents filled the room so mark stood up and sat  on my lap bob and wade stared at us mark placed his hand on my thigh near my crotch "ready" mark said in a hushed tone all i could do was nod he placed his hand on my crotch why the fook did i wear baggy jeans today he started moving his hand around i bet my lip was bleeding from how hard i was fucken biting it "times up!" Wade shouted but mark dident stop "mark times up" i moaned trying to speak after i moan mark got off and sat back in his seat we all looked at him he acted as if noting happened "truth or dare jack" i gulped trying to speak " dare" "ok jack i dare you to let me fuck you " i jumped and i burned up wade and bob were shocked as well "w-what" "you herd me jackiboy" mark said standing up he started walking towards me and whispered in my ear "im gonna to fuck you so hard" i shiverd in my seat bob and wade still staring in shock mark took off my shirt and sat on my lap again and started sucking my neck and instantly found my sweet spot. I started moaning loudly "Ahh m-Mark s-stop teasing me" "Shhh kitten" Mark started kissing my chest and slowly moved down he got on his knees on the floor and started kissing my belly and down toward my v line Mark in button my pants and slid them down my legs followed by boxers I felt my member hit the cold air but warmed by marks strong hand "Jack" Mark said starring into my eyes "JACK WAKE UP!!" Mark said yelling I opened my eyes and saw bob wade and Mark yelling and shaking me "what happened?" I said In a quiet voice "you passed out" wade said "you were having one dirty dream" bob said laughing "WHAT?!?!?" I said "dude you were moaning like crazy" bob said "who were you dreaming about?" Wade said smirking "n-no one" "come on tell us" wade said "shut up wade" I said crossing my arms "fine you wanna know?" I asked rising an eyebrow "Mark it was about Mark I had a dream about Mark fucken me!!" They starred at me in shock "oh my god...YOUR GAY?!?!"

I'm so sorry it took so long I got a lot of writers block and that its so short the next part I won't leave ya hanging on the smut 😉 byeeeeee)

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