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Artemis's hands fell from her ears, and she ran to Brian's side. The noise sounded even louder now, almost deafening, and she was sure she'd have permanent damage, if she lived long enough to notice. She started shaking Brian, she was vaguely aware they were surrounded and that she was crying, but now wasn't the time, Brian needed her. "Brian! Please! Wake up!" she begged, somehow her voice sliced through the static, Slenderman winced, "We need to leave! Now!" she shouted, trying to get through to him. Someone grabbed her shoulder and her fear and sorrow were replaced by anger. How dare they do this to Brian, he was her only friend, he had been nice to her. She turned and gave them the darkest glare she'd ever had, she stopped crying, Brian had said Slenderman might be evil, Artemis now agreed. Her glare found the monster, and if looks could kill he'd be six feet under. It seemed her rage had somehow cut through the static, and if Slenderman had a face everyone would be able to see his surprise, no mortal had blocked his power before, that meant Artemis was a very powerful Vates, one he could use, one who could end this war, he needed her to fight for him.

He didn't want to admit it, but after the first battle, when Aya became wheelchair bound after taking a blow to the spine, she wasn't fit to fight a war, and her powers consisted of only healing, nothing that, even if he allowed her on the battle field, could be used to attack or defend. But this one, this one was different, he could sense her power, it radiated off of her, even more now that she was enraged. If he could get her on a battle field, get her to direct this towards Taylor and her army, they would be annihilated. He had to find some way to make her join him, there had to be some way. Then he realized she was unawakened, and until she was awakened, she was powerful, but wouldn't be able to use this amazing about of power. He knew that to awaken something world shattering and or life changing had to happen, and he could somehow feel that her powers would be battle oriented, he had to provide something that would awaken her, he just had to, she was to powerful to let get away. The look she was giving him was filled with hatred, "You're a monster." she growled, voice dripping venom, Slenderman realized that she would never fight for him, without the proper incentive.

 'Kill Hoodie, keep the girl.' his staticky voice buzzed in Artemis and everyone else in the room's mind.

Artemis's Journey(Aya's Quest)Where stories live. Discover now