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Artemis thought she had heard him wrong, his words echoed in her head, and she realized she had heard him corectly, then she expected that everyone would be outraged, and would refuse to hurt him. Oh how she was wrong. As the first person got took a step, she dove for her knife. She moved Brian's unconscious body behind her, blade raised, ready to slash at the small army infront of her. It would be a hard fight, she might not survive it, but that thought seemed to give her more resson to fight. She didn't want to die, not now, but if she died protecting her first, and only, friend, if she died defying the monster in front of her, would it be so terible? She had a sudden feeling that her entire life had been building up to this, that maybe she was bron to free the prisoners and protect Brian. Maybe Lee had been right when she said she was a fighter.

Lee! She had forgotten about Lee! Artemis felt terible, Lee must think she was dead! All thoughts that she could possibly die left her mind, she had to get out of here in one piece, she couldn't do that to Lee, not when she'd already lost her son. 

Atremis, filled with determination, slashed at the enemy closest to her. As a dark red line appeared on his chest, the others took a step back, now regarding her, not as a hysterical, weak girl, but a actual threat. A woman in a black dress, with black hair, black eyes and black lipstick, took a step forward, for some resson just the sight of her caused everyone but her to blur, the woman became sharper, and Artemis bacame calmer. They stood, each waiting for the other to attack first, final the woman swung her blade, Artemis dodged. 

Their small fight continued, each blocking the other's attack, occasionally another enemy would try to attack Artemis, but a quick, well placed kick, punch or slash made them back away. "Hm, you fight like a certain killer I used to know, fueled by anger, without strategy, and easily distractible." she said coldly, Artemis didn't reply, "Jane, leave her alone." a familiar voice growled. Artemis didn't need to look behind her, even if she could, her mother had climbed back through the window. She was standing next to Artmeis, "Artemis, go get your friend and go." her mother said, her voice was calm, but Artemis could sense the anger and insainity in it. Nina looked at Jane, "And you..." she started, "Leave my daughter alone." she growled.

Artemis grabbed Brian, she attempted to lower him from the window, and somehow succeeded. Jack was waiting down there for them, he picked up Brian, a second later her mother was next to them, running, "You may want to run now!" she called over her shoulder. After they were a good distance away, Atremis loooked back. Her mother had been right, the monster that called himself 'Slenderman''s army was after them. For one second Artemis wondered what it was like to be a normal sixteen year old girl, one that's friends and her own life wern't constantly in dnager, one that lived in a sector with her family, safe, probibly very boring.

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