an original petrova (a vampire diaries fanfic)

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chapter 2

(mystic falls 1000 years earlier)

Colette's POV:

we had just moved villages soon after Tatia's basterd child was born of course she screamed and kicked and swore her hatred at our parents but they did not let her keep the child. it is the first time my parents have ever rejected her anything my sister is but spoiled, selfish and vain and that nothing would come of it oh how wrong she was. I looked over at my sister no matter what she may be you cannot help but love her. she was pouting upset that we had leaved she had been in this state for the week that we had been here for but yet had not uttered but a single word to us. "Tatia" my mother spoke "your sister and I we will be off to the market but within minuets would you give us the pleasure of acompaning us" my mother spoke politely with a hopeful look in her eye Tatia only gave us a gold glare and stormed off to our beded room to saulk mother just sighed and spoke to me "come along Colette we have much to do to day" mother said walking out our door I stood up from my chair a grabbed our basket and saying a farewell to papa and heading out the door

**********time skip to the market***********

well Colette you can wander around but make shot you are back her before the fourth hour" mother said "but of course mother" came my simple reply she just patters my head and walked off. after taking a wander for a few minuets I herd a great ruckes and a particularly large crowed up head as I drew closer I saw it was to boys with swords play fighting though they were rather bad but were quite handsome there was one with shoulder length blond hair and green eyes his face seemed quite drawn but just enough so he was not mistaken for a child while the other had brown hair and eyes with hair a little longer then the other "give up Nicklaus you know I will win" said the one with brown hair hmm Blondie must be Nicklaus "why never Elijah I never felt more ashamed to call someone as my brother than you" I just rolled my eyes at that hmm so the other is Elijah and the are brothers interesting I decided to show them what real swords man ship is like I walked up to the men just as Elijah had his sword knocked out of his hand the boys were to busy to notice me pick up the sword while Nicklaus was boasting about his skills I walked up to him and coughed to get his attention he looked at me curiously "if you really think you are that good why do you not verse me and see" he just laughed and replied "my dear lady I do not want to harm you so please give my brothers sword back before you harm yourself" giving me a smirk "what do you fear yourself so beaten by a girl that you would not even accept my challenge" I replied "not at all my lady but you have been warned I am a master at the sword" he said still smirking we will see how long that will last. he raised his sword and we fought he was so bad that in no time at all I had his sword in my hand and had both either side of his neck "now do you see who is the master" he just looked at me in shock "you cheated he exclaimed" I just chuckled "no dear brother I be live she bet you fairly" came Elijah's voice from behind me he came to stand besides me with an impressed smile on his face "Elijah Miklesons pleasure to meet you" he said in a smooth voice "yes it is isn't it" I replied cockly "that ummm boy over there is my brother Nicklaus may I ask what would be your name" he asked with a grin "you will soon see" was all i replied with and walked off with a smirk upon my face

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