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collet's POV

"how lovely it is to see you again Nicklaus" I said to the shocked boy "of course ..........please do come in" we enters the house. a beautiful lady with caramel brown hair came over to me "hello I am Esther it is a pleasure to meet you but it seems my son has had the pleasure before me" she seemed to be directing this at me "why yes madam I have meet him before" "we will discuss how you meet over tea but for now the rest of the family are in the dinning room just waiting to meet you" I gulped nervously and followed her but my mother was in to much shock to speak while Tatia looked like she was daydreaming but as soon as I set foot on the room I was tackled backwards by a mass of luscious blond hair well at least that was all I could see "oh my it is so good to meet you I am ....." "REBEKA LET GO OFF THE POOR GIRL NOW sorry dear what was your name again" Esther asked me kindly as Rebeka let go of me still shaken up slightly I replied with a tremble in my voice "Collet madam that is my name Collet Petrova and this is my sister Tatia" "we'll collet this hear is Rebeka" she said pointing to the beautiful girl that tackled me "my youngest son henrik then there's Kol he's a trouble maker Elijah and of course you have already met Nik next is my eldest Finn and of course my husband mickle" I looked around at the family that is seated before us minus Rebeka and Nik but befor I could mention any such words on there beauty my mother proceeded to do so for me "oh what a beautiful family such beauty is always due to the parents like my beautiful Tatia do you not agree......." At this point in time I stop listening to my mother as I know I am not the favoured child in fact I am not even her child father says.."sorry to disturb you but" Nickluse disturbed my thoughts "I could not help but see you are lonesome would you care for some company" but befor I could even think of replying Rebeka did so for me "no one cares for your company brother " her cold demeaning voice was harsh and serious though her eyes told me she was just fooling around. "Well let us all sit and eat as you are shore to be hungry" Esther announced making my way to the table I was heading towards the place where mother was seating down befor I was pulled away by the same person that tackles me earlier "Rebeka what are you doing" I whispered to her in a harsh mannor "making you sit net to me isn't that obvious" as she led me to the opposite side of the table I gulped the only free seets were In between Kol and her father but I did not get the charm of meeting her younger brother instead I was made to enjoy her fathers company and in-truth I had no clue as to why I was so scared as he turned out to be a pleasant fellow but as our convosation between me and him about our family's continued it was soon interrupted by my sister and her annoying laughter but it seams it is not only our convosation in which she had erupted as it seams her convosation with Nickluse has interrupted the eating of the table but she took no notice in which as her next line had me holding my hand to my face in means of keeping myself from laughter "so Nickluse I hear you like to hunt" "why yes I do think so" "and you like girls" his face going red all he could do was nod his head "well as I am a women I believe we should think of our options of marriage " at this I could not help but let my laughter out but not being the only one as Kol and Rebeka joined in with my joy and Elijah couldn't help but stifle a little giggle while mickle could only drop his fork "Colette quit that insensible noise this instant" my mother hissed at me "do you not see that you have upset your sister I must make amends you will apologise to the micklesons and return home immediately " she was right as it seams in our laughter Tatia had left "yes mother I replied as she raced out of that room "well I hope you cause no such scene" Rebeka whispered to me "believe me my dear Rebeka no such actions will occur from me as that would mean I would have to find one handsome first" I replied "and we all know that is impossible " I let out a giggle but replied once more "oh how sorry I do feel for you my Rebeka for beaing the only beauty in a house full of horrible ugly men" at this we were both laughing after a few more seconds of this my laughter died down and stoud up "I am sorry for my sisters actions but I must part with you now" after our exchange of goodbyes and a tight hug from Rebeka and a ride on my horse I was home but I regretted coming home when I was instantly hit with my mothers yelling "you foolish child do you know what you have done now your poor sister is in depression because of you I do not wish to see your face anymore tonight go to bed immediately and do not disturb me agin till the morn" "yes mother" came my simple reply as I was heading to my bedroom I could not help the feeling that I have now gained a new friend.

Authors note:

Sorry for the long wait my lovelies but I promise that I will try to update more ok thank you so much for reading and an extra big thank you to those who voted I know how rare it is that I do something like that oh well until next time comment who you think she should end up with love ya xx A

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2014 ⏰

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