Chapter 1

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Blazekit arose as light entered her eyelids. She disliked the disturbance of her peaceful slumber for she knew it would be a long while before she could rest again.

Loud yowls and screeches sounded in the distance as an endless war continued to rage on. She hated it. She hated how this once peaceful land had been disrupted by cats seeking victory and bloodshed. She especially hated the cats that disrespected their warrior ancestors so much they just have their first name.

Blazekit finally arose from her hard bracken nest. Her spine ached from the uncomfortable position that she was in all night. She looked back at her siblings and sighed. The white pelt of her sister Songkit stuck out the most. Her poor blind sister could never survive in this world. Juniperkit would have blended in perfectly into the burned ground with her black pelt if it weren't for her strange white stripes. And poor Yellowkit, he'll probably be the first to pass to the stars. He was the runt and he had almost died when he was born. Will life ever get better?

Blazekit turned her head when she heard some bracken crack. There she saw her best friend, Fernkit, who stuck out like a white rabbit in a dark swamp. She stared wide-eyed and leaped onto Blazekit, causing the fiery kit to squeal. She couldn't help but let out a giggle as Fernkit stood on top of her in pride. The calico kit smiled and got off Blazekit.

"You should know better than to leave a ShadeClan cat alive when you've had it trapped!" Blazekit gave a small battle cry and bowled herself into Fernkit, knocking the two out of the small, net-like nursery. She pretended to slash at Fernkit, claws sheathed. When her paw raised in the air, she was in shock when she realized that Fernkit had rolled away, making her unbalanced. The brown tabby kit fell over, face first into the smoke scented ground. Fernkit bowled herself into Blazekit's side and knocked her over. She jumped on Blazekit and meowed in a humorous voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that mistake. Let me finish the job..." She leaned forward and very gently bit Blazekit's neck. The brown tabby began to convulse, acting as though she were dying.

"No!!! How dare you! You shall regret this for the rest of your life!" She made the last word extra dramatic and then collapsed, acting as motionless as she could. Although she couldn't help it as her stomach began rolling and her smile grew bigger. She laughed loudly and couldn't stop until a loud yowl that sounded a lot closer to camp than the others. As Blazekit got up an extremely scrawny cat came running through the camp entrance. The two were paralyzed and they couldn't take their off the sight. Two cats came running after the kit as he ran around camp, trying to escape the hungry gazes of the Guards. He saw the two kits and ran over to them. Blazekit was terrified now and her legs finally began working. She ran away and towards the nursery but not before the strange tom was able to grab and spin her around making her face him.

"Kit! Kit, you must run far, far away from here and never come back. Th-They will make you do unspeakable things! So run, ru-" The tom was cut off as he was grabbed with sharp fangs. One of the Guards had cought him and was now dragging him back by the neck.

Blazekit's breathing was uncontrollable. Every breath was a gasp and her vision was slowly blurring. Her heart pounded and her tail was twitching frantically. Her vision finally blacked as she heard the yowls and screeches continue.




Blazekit arose to the sound of panicked meows. She lifted up her head to see her mother, Fallenleaf, and the medicine cat, Clovertail. Blazekit was shocked to see that Clovertail's calico fur reminded her of Fernkit's, although some things were different. Blazekit yawned and that got the two she-cats' attention. Her mother ran up to her and began licking her head. Blazekit couldn't help but purr at the warmth her tongue had. She pulled away and looked at Clovertail.

"What happened?" Blazekit asked. Clovertail looked over her with sharp eyes and sniffed at her fur.

"I'm not sure. All i know is that Fernkit was yelling and when I came out you were lying in the middle of the clearing. Thank goodness you weren't dead." Clovertail gave a small chuckle as Fallenleaf gave off a barely audible hiss. She looked back at her kit in panic.

"Why were you outside of the nursery without a warrior or guard around? You know it's dangerous, even in camp!" Blazekit looked at her paws in shame. She hated when she made cats worried about her. It made her feel helpless.

"I'm sorry, mama.... Me and Fernkit just got too carried away with our playing, I guess. But we didnt want to disturb you and the other kits!" She straightened herself to look more assertive. But with her size she might as well look as scary as a squirrel.

Fallenleaf sighed and went towards the entrance of the den. She looked back at Blazekit with forgiveness in her eyes.

"You can come out but your not allowed out of the nursery for the rest of the day." She said as she waited for Blazekit to follow her. The kit knew there was no arguing her way out of this, for she knew if she complained the punishment would get worse. She scampered after her mother after mewing a thank you to Clovertail. She hid behind her mother's fluffy tail as they reached the nursery. Blazekit lay down in her nest and closed her eyes, wanting to get some rest before nightfall.She began thinking of what that strange cat had said to her, but it was hard to recall seeing the her black out made it nearly impossible to remember anything. She remembered the words make, unspeakable, and one word that stood out the most to her and was the easiest to recall.


(Yay for the first chapter!! I hope to make them longer but currently I don't have that much time. I hope you enjoyed it! And it's at least 1k words so yay )

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