*chapter 11*

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"How is she doctor? " asked bert annoyed from corbin's scream.  I had to take corbin away to allow them to hear each other . I took a couple of steps away trying to calm corbin down to hear what was the doctor saying but it was impossible yet I was able to see berts facial expressions which showed that he did not receive good news . Then the doctor left and bert entered the room where linda was . I stood in front of the room for a couple of minutes shushing corbin but he has been crying for a whole hour so I had to  knock on the door to ask bert what should I do. "Enter" said bert. I opened the door to see linda hooked to several machines . She looked so pale , and I can see tears running from her eyes  like a stream of water , I was about to tear so I had to shift my sight to bert to see his eyes flooding in tears too it looks like it is a serious issue ." Umm. I think corbin is hungry." I said. " you can take him home and feed him you will find his formula in the drawers beside his bed ." He said handing me the keys . #in the berts house#
I searched for the keys in my pocket irritated from corbin's continuous cry . The moment the door opened I ran upstairs , searched in the drawers and was lucky enough not only to find the formula can but also to find the steps to prepare a bottle written on the it . I closed my eyes the moment he calmed down when I gave him the bottle trying to connect all what happened on my first day of work . After a couple of hours corbin was asleep and the house was clean I had nothing to do except roaming in the house while thinking about linda. I looked again to her wedding photos comparing how she was in the photo which showed her with a bright smiling face without  bags under her eyes to the way I saw here in today in the hospital . I felt sad making such a comparison. But I was so curious to know what did the doctor tell bert. I dont think it's something related to her sleeplessness . I spent the whole day thinking pausing only to feed corbin and then thinking again. And then It was time to leave but no one had come yet . I called bert a couple of times but his phone was off . Mom called twice but I didn't know what to tell her so I didn't answer . After time passed I decided to call mom and tell her that I am going to be late because It's my first day and the  manager needs to record all his meetings for the month I know it's stupid but that's the most convincing lie I thought of . I felt tired after all the stress I've been through so layed corbin on the couch and slept next to him . "Riley... Riley" I heard bert waking me up . I woke up immediately . "It's late  you can leave now ." He added . "What time is it ? " I asked trying to focus my blurry eyes on my watch . " it's midnight... I am sorry you had to go through all of this and sorry you had to stay until 12 but my mobile was out of charge and..." "it's ok how's mrs. Linda ?" I interrupted . "She will need to stay in the hospital for a couple of days" . He answered I was about to ask him what's wrong with her but I didn't want to be nosy especially that it's my first day . " ohh I hope she will get well soon . I got to go ." I said handing him the keys  . " you will come tomorrow right" he said as I turned my back to him managing to leave. I turned my back and replied with a smile.  "Umm yeah sure I'll be here as early as possible ".  I sneaked into the house like a criminal trying to avoid my parents , was able to successfully make it to my room . I closed the door changed my clothes and slept in minutes . The next morning my phone was ringing waking me up from a deep sleep . I held the phone in an angle that allowed me to see who was calling , it was miley . She never called me that's so weird ." Good morning ri " she said cheerfully . I didn't like her to nickname me and I told her several times to call me riley , it's either she pronounces it in an annoying way or I just don't like to here it from her. "Good morning" I replied.  " I wanted to congratulate you for the new job". Wait what did she just say ??? I cleared my ears thinking and placed the phone back . "Thank you " . Replied in a happy tone. "How was your first day?" she asked. I could feel her jealousy for the first time in my whole life I think I succeeded in one of my main goals in life. 

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