Chapter 9

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Shadow and I geared up, organizing ourselves for the perilous mission before us. Once we were ready to go, I looked over and asked him; "How do you propose we engage them? We obviously don't want them to catch our tail, and we don't want them to suspect anything."
He smirked, "Technology has changed, even if it was only a measly two years. GUN has been working on, and recently has successfully developed cloaking devices. Not just for the soldiers, but for the road and aircraft vehicles as well." He dark voice was smug, a slight twinkle in his eye could be seen.
"Oh yeah... I forgot they were working on that." I stretched my body. "Not that I needed it. I am all powerful." I bragged, now being the smug one.
"Humph... Don't forget, I am still the Ultimate Life Form." He folded his arms.
Abraham cleared his throat, his arms crossed. How long was he standing there for!? The thought flew into my mind abruptly. "Are you children ready?" He scowled, not amused with our childish dispute.
I cleared my throat a little, "Yes sir." I muttered quietly, feeling like a middle school student who has been sent to the principles office for the first time. Shadow had done the same.
"Good. Now, I have a satellite visual on them, so we will know where they are at all times, unless they go under ground. At this point it will be faster by plane to catch up to them, and we will have a small, light weight vehicle in it for when you land. Both have cloaking technology built into them. We already have the aircraft set up, and currently tracking the whereabouts of their vans." He briefed us. "Now, go save those children."
Shadow nodded and grabbed my hand, pulling me along. He knew exactly where to go; quickly finding ourselves at the aircraft, he helped me in then hopped in himself. He took the drivers seat and initiated the take off sequence.
"I didn't know you could fly." I looked out the window of the aircraft.
He sneered, "After all, I am the Ultimate Life Form."

"Down there, those black vans." Shadow motioned to the visual he had on them.
I nodded, "I see them." I glanced around with haste. "Over there," I pointed, "there is a clearing to set this baby down."
He took my direction and gently eased us to the ground. I unlatched the door to our next ride, a black, sleek, motorcycle with a shield raised up over the seat and above the seat. The wheels were missing the metal plating, thus leaving a hole between the rubber band. It was not the best "undercover" vehicle I could have asked for, but I did enjoy the look of the bike.
"You're the reason our cover is going to be blown. You requested a motorcycle didn't you?" I grumbled at Shadow, despite my initial liking of the style of bike.
"I won't draw any attention to us." He slipped himself in and helped me into the seat.
"This thing is begging for eyes to be laid upon it!" I motioned to the bike and stroked along the sides of it. "You don't even have to try to get attention by driving like a bad-ass, this does it for you." He chuckled and started up the engine. It was much quieter than I had expected.
"Good thing this is made for speed. If they do notice, they will not escape." The bike burst forward; I instinctively clutched onto Shadow, my fingers digging into him, my knuckles white.
"Just don't crash." I whimpered, the air almost making my voice inaudible. I clicked on my communicator, as well as Shadow's.
I could tell he was smirking as he spoke, "Will do." He seemed to hesitate for a moment; "Promise me, please, that you won't get hurt."
I sighed softly, "You know, that even if I wanted to, I could never truly promise you that on a mission."
"Please." He begged.
I thought for a moment, then obliged. "I promise you, Shadow, that on this mission, I will not get harmed. Not even a quill on my body will receive the tiniest of scratches." The tone of my voice was bordering on sarcastic.
"Next time, make it sound a little more believable." He grunted, setting sights on our targets. I felt his muscles tense, his shoulders stiffened.
I recognised that he began taking this seriously. A tiny flame of fear sparked inside of me triggering my heart to pound against my chest. I took a deep breath and slowly eased it out of me, wishing my worries out. "What about you, Shadow? Are you going to promise me you will make it out okay?"
He relaxed a little, his knuckles regaining a bit of colour in them, "I always make it out okay... and now that you are here, I have all the more reason to make sure I'm okay... for you."
"Love made you soft and gushy." I smiled.
His cheeks turned red, "Shut up." He ordered, before groaning, "I don't need a reminder." I giggled softly, turning my eyes to the black vans ahead.
A stillness washed over me, becoming genuinely calm, my eyes became fixed on my target. My breathing evened out; I'm ready.

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