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"Sensei, why do you need to talk to us?" A blue masked turtle asks curiously. He, and two other companions, were sitting in front of their father, who was a giant rat. Don't let his appearance fool you, he is intelligent and smart for days.

"I've called all three of you here..." He began, "Because I have a mission for three of you, but you must work together to defeat him."

"What's the mission about?" A violet, purple masked turtle, taller then the others, questions.

"An alliance of the Shredder will come down here in a few months, actually two. His name is Fretby Kilopo. (Random name lol) , and he haves a army that will be sent to find us. I want you three to travel to Canada and stop him before he comes here. I will stay and guard the lair, in case he sends them early."

The blue masked nods. "But what about Mikey?"

Sensei puts an hand under his chin, thinking about the orange fun-loving turtle. 'Hmm... I can't risk his life to go up there. And he will be to young to see such violence...'

"Michelangelo would stay here," Splinter answers. The red mask turtle was going to ask why, but Splinter cuts him off.

"I don't want him to leave. I believe he is to young to see such things down there. I can't risk it."

All three of them nods, understanding what their father was saying. Mikey is the youngest one, but he wouldn't be able to watch anything that will give him nightmares. The parasites and Squirrelanoids had already given him nightmares. He didn't need anymore to haunt him. Besides, they knew he would get easily distracted, and annoy them, mostly Raph.

"So I want all of you to leave by midnight." Master Splinter says, looking down at his sons.

"But should we tell him Sensei?" Leonardo spoke, while standing up, his brothers following his actions.

Splinter thought about it. "Yes. It's better when it comes from you, instead of me."

-time skip WOOOOOoooo....-

Well, you guess it. They told Mikey. He didn't really take it that good as the other three brothers thought he would. Mikey started yelling at them, saying MS didn't want him to go because he's unimportant, messed up, liability (is dat how u spell it? ._. ). He ran towards his room, crying. Some time passed, until it was time to go. Donnie didn't want to leave his brother without saying goodbye...

"Guys, I'm going to talk to Mikey for a few minutes." Don says as he starts to walk to his little brother's room.

"Okay, but be quick!" Leo responds as he loads some items in the ShellRaiser. Don nods and looks at Mikey's room. He couldn't hear anything, probably because Michelangelo was sleeping. Not bothering to knock, Donatello opens the door slowly, and peeks inside.

Mikey was lying in his bed, looking up at the ceiling with blank eyes. The light blue color in those eyes looked faded, and his mask was tear-stained from earlier.

"What do you want D?" Mikey croak, looking up at him. Don hesitated, wondering what to say before speaking.

"I wanted to say goodbye to you before we left." The purple masked turtle replied, making his way towards his little brother's bed. Mikey snorts then turns himself around, so he was facing the wall instead of Donatello.

"I wish I could say goodbye as well," Mikey looks down on his sheets, his eyes unseen by the mysterious shadows. "But I can't. I can't, when knowing that I'm useless and unimportant, while you, Leo and Raph are strong and useful. Just leave me alone."

Secretly, Mikey did want to say goodbye to his brothers. But jealousy has engulfed his mind, and he wanted nothing to do with his brothers anymore. Don sigh, and exit the room, only glancing once over his shoulder to see if Mikey looked back up. But he didn't. The purple masked turtle slowly closed the door. The room was filled with nothing but shadows, and the only sounds that can be heard were the silent cries of an lonely youngster.
   "N-No! Stay back!" Michelangelo screeches as he swings his nun-chucks at a Kraang bot. The Kraang droid's head fell off, leaving the Kraang to scurry out of it's mechanical body and run away. But more Kraang kept coming, closing the scared turtle into a corner.




   *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *crash*

"Kraang, the test subject which is known as subject 666 has escape-" A distant howl is heard throughout the building.

"Kraang, hold me!!" "No you hold me!!" Footsteps are running towards the voices.

"Forget about holding Kraang, Kraang lets go!!" Before they escape, there was a sound of a growl behind them, and both Kraang turn to see a giant hybrid mutant behind them.

"Kraang, the test subject which is known as subject 666 has found us Kraang!"

Both Kraang screeched as the mutant raised its giant claw, and slash it across both Kraang. Nothing happened at first, but then the Kraangs' separated into three pieces. The mutant stepped over their dead bodies, and continued to find an escape route. After a few seconds of walking, the beast got angry, and smashed it's dangerous nun-chuck like tail into a wall. The security system alarm went off. The mutant huffed, and stretched out its wings, and flew away from the building...
The mutant soon landed on top of a T.C.R.I. building, and look down. It sigh and lays on it's stomach, head lying on the ground along with it's muzzle lying between one claw and one paw. It gazed up at the stars, it's yellow eyes searching for any signs of his father's spirit.

"W-Why did you leave me?" He whimpers. First them, now... You? I feel so lonely inside now. I couldn't even defend myself against the Kraang, I couldn't save you from the grasp of Shredder. My siblings left... Now what?"

Something stabbed inside his heart, and he started to think: maybe it was his destiny to be alone. Live alone. Survive alone...

His father would never see him again...

His enemies will never see him again...

His... Brothers... they'll see him again one day... but they won't expect what to see when they come back.....
Well there is my first book since.... Forever I guess XD this probably will be lame story, oh well. Welp •3•

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