Chapter 7: Grumbling

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Chapter 7

Tommy's POV

"We're all going out to lunch, did you want to come?" I asked Adam, whom was standing right beside me. "Hm? Oh, no thanks. I might take a nap, catch up on some sleep."

"You're skipping out on food? Where did they take the Adam we all know and love?" Cam said, sneaking up behind us. "I'm just really tired, that's all. All this traveling is catching up to me."

"Suit yourself, Lambert."

Cam is definitely right, this isn't like Adam at all. He usually jumps at the opportunity. He loves this stuff, it's odd for him to want to stay back and be alone.

"You coming, TJ?"
"Yeah, give me a minute?" I asked. She nodded and continued to walk outside with the rest of the crew. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm just tired, that's all. I promise." He said looking down at his hand, picking up and putting back down a piece of tape that wouldn't stay put. "Okay... did you want me to stay with you? 'Cause I don't have to go... If you don't want."

"Oh, no. Go ahead and have fun. I'll be here when y'all get back." He grinned and started heading over toward the elevator to get back up to the room but I stopped him. "You sure? We can always finish what we never started the other night." I winked, making him laugh.

"That's the exact opposite of sleeping, my dear."
"I know, but it could be fun. We could go out and eat ourselves afterward." He grinned a little and motioned for me to follow him to the elevator. "Eat ourselves." He mimicked. "You know that's not what I meant...One sec, I have to tell Cam I'm not coming." I went to walk out of the building to get to her so I could tell her but he wouldn't let me. He stopped me and kissed my forehead. "Text messaging is a beautiful thing."

I grinned and pulled out my phone to shoot her a text, letting her know I wasn't going to make it.
"Hey, I'm going to stay here with Adam. He has the right idea about that nap thing :P"

I tucked my phone back in my pocket and continued to hold on tightly to Adam's hand out of reflex. He looked at me funny because I never hold onto his hand in public, this is a very rare occurrence.

"What did she say?" He asked. "She said I was lame. That's all."
"Trust me, you're not lame." He smirked and pulled me with him out of the elevator and down the hallway.

He slid the key through the lock and pushed open the door with his ass and shoulder, the classy way of course.

Adam sat down on the bed and patted the seat next to him for me, grinning the entire time. It was unbelievably alluring. "You sure you're alright?" I asked one last time as I took the seat beside him.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said as he cupped my face with his hands. His lips met mine, lingering for a couple of seconds.

Our mouths moved in sync, our fingers locked together. It was perfect until I heard a really loud grumbling. "What was that?" I asked. "What was what?" He asked, trying to avoid the question. "Was that your stomach?"

"No." He said as it grumbled again. "When was the last time you ate?" I asked seriously. "Why does it matter? We were in the middle of something." He said, going to put his lips back on mine once again but I stopped him.

"We were going out to lunch earlier and you said you didn't want to go. Normal Adam would jump in a heart beat, especially if he's hungry. You're obviously hungry, why didn't you want to go? What's wrong with you?"

"Seriously?" He asked in a very dramatic sigh. "I just didn't want to go, that's all."

"Okay, well, you need to eat before we finish this. Call room service." I told him, pointing to the phone beside the bed. "I'm not hungry."

"You are so hungry. Do you hear your stomach? What's wrong with you, why don't you want to eat?" I asked. "It's not that I don't want to eat. I just don't feel the need to."

"Maybe that's why you're so tired. You haven't fucking eaten in god knows how long."
"Tommy, I'm fine."
"No you're not. If you don't order something, I will order it for you."

I picked up the phone and began to order something, all the while Adam was trying to get me to stop doing it.

Took around twenty minutes after it got here for me to convince him to eat it, but he finally did.

He laid his head on my chest and cuddled up next to me close. "Don't you feel better?" I asked. "No. I feel horrible."

"Why are you acting like this?" I asked, continuing to run my fingers through his soft, black hair. "Adam?" He'd fallen asleep. Figures.

I stroked his hair for two hours while he slept until I had to wake him up for sound check.

"Good morning sunshine." He looked up at me very confused and a little frightened. "What time is it? Did I miss the show?"

"No, you didn't. It's only four o'clock. You will miss it, if we don't get going like now, though." He got up very quickly and went to gather his things, slipping his shoes on as fast as he could. "C'mon we won't get there for forty five minutes and sound check is at five."

He was so frantic to get going, he left without me. "ADAM!" I shouted knowing he couldn't hear me. "God dammit."

A/N: Sorry for the really spaced out updates, I'm probably going to update again soon :) I hope you enjoyed it (even though it was very short)

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