The Marauders: Chapter 2 (Black and Potter)

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(Blake Lively as Adeline Ariana Dumbledore)

So this is another Marauder chapter and also the last chapter of this book. The sequel will be up soon and it will be called 'The woman in the mirror', which will be about Artemis's second year at Hogwarts.

I just want to thank you all for the support for this book. I really enjoyed writing it despite taking me a while. Next book will be much better I promise. I just see this book as, like, the first few chapters of a normal book. The story isn't complete and will get more fascinating as time goes on.

Now, the end of this chapter is quite revealing. You'll finally, sort of, find out what's the deal with Adeline but it's still mysterious.

I'm not that happy about this chapter. I just had a huge writer's block and I kept going back to think of something else but I just couldn't.

But I hope you'll enjoy this chapter anyways. Especially my look on James Potter and Sirius Black and I hope you'll read my new book!

Love, Pip


The Hogwarts castle
Scotland, Great Britain
September 2 1975

"Black! Potter!" Barked Professor McGonagall, glaring at the two boys. "If you two think that I'll let you sit next to each other this year, than think again. I'm not having you disrupt my classroom."

"Aw, but Minnie, we'll always find a way to annoy you. It's what we're good at." James smirked.


Sirius hadn't been kidding when he introduced himself as just that. A notorious troublemaker and self-proclaimed ladiesman...those were his exact words if Adeline wasn't very much mistaken.

She watched him as he backed his friend up. Everything about Sirius oozed nonchalance. He and James Potter practically drooled charm. The words coming from their mouths were carefully rehearsed yet - especially Sirius - made them sound casual.

Only one other person managed to sound like that. In all the years Adeline tried to find her place in this world, she had only met one person that radiated their easy confidence.

It was fascinating to watch. Because where he had been cold and distant, Potter and Black were very in-your-face. They were loud, obnoxious and had a way of bending the rules.

Adeline knew by the way Professor McGonagall communicated with the two that she secretely held a soft spot for them. Her mouth might have been pulled in a thin line, her eyes betrayed her. They were shining with fondness.

Adeline was standing a few feet away from the rest as Professor McGonagall was attempting to give them assigned seats. As you might have noticed, Potter and Black weren't going to seperate without a fight.

Their body-language was daring Professor McGonagall while their words were teasing.

Adeline could practically hear the sighs from every female in the room as the two best friends behaved like the troublemakers they were known to be. how she would describe the way they affected the girls...Even Adeline admitted to be slightly impressed by them.

James Potter was a very handsome young man. He was lean with very strong arms and upper-body. His hazel eyes were very pretty to look at. They seemed to exist out of thirty different colours. Adeline wouldn't be able to name them...she hadn't looked into them for too long.

James also didn't really care for the dresscode at Hogwarts. The top-buttons of his shirt were opened and his sleeves were rolled up to show his strong arms. His tie was loosely dangling from his neck and he wasn't wearing the aquired dark grey blazer under his black robes.

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