Chapter one - eyes like the sea

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'Ivanna, darling, where is that beautiful smile of yours?' Jason's voice reached my ears just as his hand met my cheek in a friendly, caring gesture and for the first time in a month I found my lips curve without my need to concentrate on them. letting out a low chuckle, I gently pushed his hand away and looked at the entrance there I froze.

He walked in, sea green eyes finding and locking onto mine. I couldn't breath... It took all my will not to run to him. Not to hold him close, just once... Feel the warmth of his embrace before he disappeared.


-Chapter 1-


I closed my eyes and silently prayed that he would just disappear, disappear like he had done so many times before... I knew my imagination was vivid, but a part of me knew... This time he wouldn't just vanish into thin air like he had done time and time again... this was reality, he was back; Arian-was-back. 

My eyes still closed. 'Ivanna...' My heart dropped and I stood transfixed. That low, rough voice; like velvet when you ran your hand the wrong way... A voice that alone could alight the flame within someone. 'Ivanna...' The voice came again, dangerously close to my left ear,  the warmth of their breath caressing my neck... Giving me the sudden urge to tilt my head to the side and give them full access. 'Walk with me?' It sounded like a question though they'd already taken my hand and were leading me away...

Willing myself to open my eyes and act normal, I opened them and specifically looked in the opposite direction to him... Forcing a small smile across my features, trusting my acting abilities to see me through and pushing the fiery sensation centering from my hand to the back of my mind.

We walked through the back door and came upon a courtyard enclosed by rose bushes; their scent intoxicating. In the center of the courtyard stood a simple, yet all the more enchanting fountain. Lamps were scattered around in random areas to illuminate our surroundings in the most romantic of ways... Here, he dropped my hand and stepped towards the fountain. He said not a word, nor did he turn. All I could see was his tall muscled structure in his perfectly tailored black suit matching his cropped ebony hair. I knew that if he turned just then, his strong proud jawline would be highlighted along with his chiseled aristocratic nose... And finally the sea green of his eyes; eyes which engulfed me in every look -then he turned-

For a moment I caught sadness in those eyes, just as quick it was gone and replaced with a look of indifference . 'Ivanna, Ivanna, Ivanna...' He stepped towards me and brushed his thumb across my cheek. I told myself the shock of such sudden close proximity after so long and the brush of skin against skin was what made me shudder involuntarily, I was lying to myself blatantly... It had always been this way and always would be. 'How have you been my darling?' his voice gave nothing away.

'Why do you care?' I was pleased with the strength my voice retained.

'Why? Why, because we're such good friends that's why,' he sounded blase.

I snorted. 'Don't play games with me, Arian, you know I 'cannot' bare it... When were 'we' ever fiends?' I asked, incredulous. I opened my eyes, even though I knew it would pain me to look at him. He averted my gaze and his voice became quiet. 'We are friends because I realized a long time ago that I would never be anything more to you,' I could have died, but a part of me knew, and dominated for that moment.

I took a step closer to him and raised my hand so that the tips of my fingers touched his jaw; turning his face to mine. 'That, is a lie,' I whispered fiercly, straining not to drown in his eyes... I saw the undercurrent of pain there.

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