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Addy's Pov

"Are you Ok?" I asked Kyle as he held his jaw.

"Yeh I'll be fine" he sighed.

"I'll get you some ice" I smile slightly and walk into his kitchen grabbing a towel and some ice to put inside it.

I walk back out to him and put the ice to his jaw. "I'm sorry" I say.

"It was my own fault and your brothers protective I shouldn't have been like that" he sighs.

"Yeh well I better go before Nash kills me for being around you, Bye" I smile and kiss his cheek.

As I walk out the house and to my car I see Nash lent up on the hood of his car. "What are you still doing here?" I sigh.

"Waiting for you" he smiles then gets in his car and drives off. Weird kid. I do the same getting in my car and head home.

Two weeks later

"See ya later I'm gonna go and get the jacks" Nash shouted.

"Ok" I shout back and dial Kyle's number. Dont even ask why I took him back im just a but stupid.

"Hey babe" I smile into the phone.

"Hey baby girl" he replied.

"Come mine everyones out and I'm bored" I sighed.

"Yeh ok I'll be there soon" he says and hangs up. And before you think Nash will beat his ass, he won't cuz he is bringing the jacks and he is becoming ok with Kyle when he keeps buying me loads of shit.

I decide to get changed into clean sweats and grab my phone and go downstairs to put a movie on and cook up some popcorn.

Once it's done and I've got some soda and water the front door opens and Kyle walks in.

"Hey Kyby" I smile.

"Hey baby girl" he replied and kissed my cheek.

"Were watching mean girls" I state and press play.

"Yes!" he whisper-shouts excited.

"Your so cute" I smile and kiss him and we cuddle up to watch the movie.

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