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"Hi Jaylee" I smile picking up my two year old daughter. "You can go" I smile to her babysitter giving her a $100 bill.

"Thank you Addylin" She smiled as I put Jaylee down.

"Please call me Addy" I smile. "See you later" I finish as she walks out of the room.

"Mummy juice" Jaylee grinned.

"Yes baby" I smiled and got up from the sofa and went to grab a bottle of juice from the mini fridge. "Here you go"

"Fank you" She says taking a sip.

"Your going to be with your babysitter again tomorrow whilst I sort some stuff out and then we go home" I smile and she nodds playing with her toys.

"Come on let's get you in the bath then bed" I say and pick her up.

---Next day---
"Come on Addy we gotta go" Hayes said walking into my room.

"I gotta wait for the babysitter" I sigh.

"Just bring her she'll be fine" He smiled picking her up and putting her on his hip. He has helped me with so muh throughout this journey with her.

"Ok" I say sending the babysitter, Rosie, a text.

We leave my room and get into the car where Nash and Will are waiting. I strap Jaylee in and Hayes and I get in the back with her whilst the other two sit in the front.

"Will be ready to hold Addy back" Hayes chuckled to himself.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing" He muttered.

"Ok whatever" I sigh.

"Tom is going to be there" Nash straight out said.

"What?" Tom was Nila's 14 year old son that she had as a secret from my dad and I hate him because of what he did but that's for another day.

"Wow just wow Nash nice to know you can keep your mouth shut" Hayes sighed.

"She would have beeen more pissed if she just saw him" Nash sighed pulling into the driveway.

"Hello" Tom smugly says standing in the doorway to the house.

"What are you doing here?" I spat with disgust.

"Oh didn't you know I live here now" He smirked.

"Bastard" I mutter and shove him as I go past.

"Skaggs teenage mom" He shouted after me. I placed Jaylee down and was about to turn when I heard a thud and a groan escape his mouth. I turned fully to see him bent over holding his stomach and Will walking towards me.

"What did you do?" I ask.

"Punched him" He shrugs. "Nobody can call my baby sister that" He hugged me and walked through to the kitchen with Jaylee and myself following.

"Nila" I mutter.

"Hi sweetheart"

"Right so what are we here for because I need to be packing right now and not be around you and Mr dickhead" I say as Nash sends me a glare.

"Ok I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear that" She smiled picking Jaylee up.

"It's not that hard I do it all the time" I shoot back. "Only to you though I listen to the people I care about" I smirk.

"Stop being so rude" Nash and Will scolded at the same time realising they said the same time and high fives each other.

"Yeh ok so what are we here for?" I ask sitting on the kitchen stool.

"Basically I was speaking to the lawyer a couple of days ago" She started. "I get the house and half of his stuff, you know what I mean" She asked and we all nodded our heads. "The the rest of it was split into four for you four" She finished smiling.

"Ok" We all say.

"The money will be transferred but your going to have to take your stuff out of the house"

"We are all gonna be millionaires" I say with my jaw wide open remembering a conversation me and he had about what would happened if he had died.

"Yes yes you are" She chuckled. "Um Addy let me speak to you privately a minute"

"Ok" I shrug following her out of the room.

"Well I was reading through the will yesterday and your dad left you the most. He left you all the same amount of money but he left you his condo in LA" She smiled.

"What?!" I shouted shocked because that condo was worth at least $2,000,000 because of the views and the size. "I can't accept that"

"You live in LA"

"Yes with my brothers and friends"

"It's only you, Nash, Hayes, Matthew and Jack Johnson. Your the only girl and you have a baby if you move out then they will be able to be more free because there isn't a child in the house"

"Fuck off Nila Hayes helps me look after her if I wasn't with him how am I supposed to look after her"

"You need to grow up" She shouted.

"I have I have moved out of here and have my own daughter I don't want to leave my twin not yet" I shout back.

"Your still as immature as always" She huffed.

"You bitch" I scream and slap her in the face and walk back into the kitchen picking up Jaylee and leaving the house.

Hayes Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now