Never a moments peace

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The next day your tears were gone. You missed the manor, but had a life to get on with. Ron kept sending you worried glances all morning. Staring thretfully at you over the breakfast bar, he opened his mouth, clearly to ask how you were feeling.

"Im fine" you cut him off with. You flashed him a small smile to help him believe it and continued
"I miss the manor a bit, but I was almost done there anyway, so at the end of the day, you dragging me away earlt doesnt matter. "

He was having none of it.

"(Y/n)! Dont lie to me! You can try to convince yourself that you're fine but I saw that kiss! That wasnt some passing fancy. That kiss was going places. Well it would've if he wasnt about to kill you!"

Silence fell across the room as you and Ron just held a long stare.
"Did you ever think... maybe he... woudnt... have... killed me?" Your voice got quieter and the hope in it shrivelled under his unusually harsh glare.

"He is a demon! I don't know how else to say it! Have you forgotten everything we were ever taught?" He saw the look on your face and his tone softened slightly.
"Im sorry, but you can never see him again, he won't hesitate next time."

You gave a small nod before standing to wash up. Ron, convinced that you now understood, returned to his jokey self. He sang and danced and laughed all way to work, and he ,as usual, cheered you up so you walked into the reaper headquarters grinning as usual. It wasnt even spoiled by by Grell who gave you the biggest hug of your life. Will just flashed his glasses at you and offered a small smile.

The day was great. But it was shoved back to earth with a bang when the over head speakers started the morning announcements.
"Will (Y/n) (L/n) please report to the head office immediately.".

Everyone's heads turned to you, and Ron gave you a gentle shove and a grin. You gave a half smile to the turned heads, pushed Ron back, and set off with heavy feet.

You knew what this was going go be about. The idea of talking about Sebastian so soon stung slightly, but it was unavoidable. When you were in the office, you gave a 'detailed and whole account' (their words not yours) of everything that happened. You stopped just before the kiss, knowing you had to tell them about it.
"The reason I left my post earlier than expected, and rather abruptly, was because..." you brought up the last of your courage are you swallowed your feelings for Sebastian and finished
"I kissed the demon I was investigating, and I felt my feelings were interviening with my task."

The situation, basically, became akward.

"Do you need reminding how dangerous demons are?"
"No sir."
"Very well, but be warned, if this happens again, there will be serious repercussions." A man in a startlingly generic suit said. While it wasn't mentioned again, several uneasy glances where exchanged throughout the meeting.

"Well, with the information you have obtained, there is one obvious course of action. You must investigate this (there is a slighlt pause as he checks his notepad) ... this Claude Faustus"

You nodded quietly, but internally groaned. Undercover again. You just wanted some time to get over Sebastian.

"As it happens, we have some info on this demon in the systen already. Pick up the folder we'll leave for you at the main desk and report to the given address tomorrow morning. You will, once again, be a maid." This time a lady in a pencil skirt, with her hair up and impecable make up including deep red lipgloss, addressed you. She looks so stereotylical it amazed you.

Nodding obediently you leave. That meeting was a painfully long 3 hours! You heading towards the lunch hall yawning groggily. They mentioned that you would have to work the rest of the day, so you tried to wake up in order actually get some work done.

When you got to the lunch hall, the place was in uproar! Every reaper you knew and then some were running around with scythes. Hundreds of pairs of glasses flashed menacingly in the bright overhead lights and you stood still and silent, quite overwhelmed.

Just then, a hand grabbed your shoulder and spun you around to face them. A frantic looking Ron shoved your scythe, a large, black and red, traditional grim reaper style scythe (soul eater anyone?) into your hand before pulling you away.

You were leaping across rooftops before Ron finally explained.
"There has been a city wide Fire in Bejing and all the reapers are being called in to handle to amount of souls coming in. Its gonna be a long night" AN: Ok so that isn't in the anime or the manga, but it is in this fanfiction, so i'm afraid you'll have deal with it.

He wasnt kidding. With 500 hundred reapers working none stop, it was 7 am before anyone could go home. You got back to the apartment with Ron, cold, tired and covered in ash. You wanted to just lie down and never get back up. Your muscles ached, your eyes drooped and your hair was unspeakable. You just sat down when the nearby church clock stuck 8.

"Crap"' was the only thought you were really capable of. You had to be at the manor in half an hour. You sprinted into the shower, frantically scrubbing. You threw on the first dress that came to hand, put your contacts in (rather too forcefully, making you cry) and ran the the door.

The door barley slammed shut behind you when a horrible thought struck you. "I forgot to get the information file"

Panic set in now. You had 10 minutes to travel at least 250 miles (Assuming Claude lived in London) , your hair was dripping onto your wrinkled dress and you had no idea where you were going.

You wanted to scream infrustrarion and were about to, when something hit you in the head. A brown folder (with a wetpatch the shaoe and size of your head) hit the ground at your feet with a resounding smack and you looked up to see an equally wet haired Ron grinning down at you.

"The Trancy Manor, 8 miles west of the Phantomhive one! Oh, and Grell stole some old bats broomstick, if you hurry he'll give you a lift"

You heard the window shut but didnt look up. Grell lived 2 streets away. You couldn't run that fast, but damn could you jump. You eye the rooftop and take a few steps back. Blood pumps through you and you run faster than you ever remember running. Your leg braces it self and you swear the pavement cracks as you kick off. You fly clear over 2 streets and land on Grells roof. Sure, it's a bit of a crash landing, but that doesn't detract from the euthoric feeling that washes over you when you realise you made it. You internally celebrate before remebering why you jumped 2 streets. You look up and (conveiniently) see Grell sat astride the broomstick, giggling to himself.

"GRELL! " You shout in a very unladylike manner. "GIVE ME A LIFT"

Grell looks up at you confused and upset. He soon begins bawling back at you "ITS MINE MINE MINE! I TOOK IT! I WILL HAVE THE FIRST RIDE".

You really don't have time for this. You lunge at Grell and give him a left hook across the face. He falls from the broom with a horrified screech and you take his place on the broom in a heart beat.

But once again, a horrible thought strickes you. "How do i fly this thing!?!"

Grell is beginning to get up and you know you don't have time. You leap off the roof and kicked your legs the way you would kick a horse before slamming you eyes shut,waiting for the fall. But all that happens is you hear Grell cursing at you.

You open your eyes and find yourself flying. You don't have to time question how, but just lean forward and shoot off at what must be at least 450 miles per hour. Your hair whips back from you face and whistling wind drowns out Grells cries.

You shoot off into the morning sky, hoping the wind was trying your hair.

The Phantomhive Reaper (Sebastianxreader) (kuroshitsuji/black butler)Where stories live. Discover now