Seventeen's Hoshi

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"Dont laugh!" I say as I hold myself from laughing with my boyfriend Soon Young.

"Okay okay," he says as he stops laughing.

I start acting again for my presentation tomorrow and Soon Young starts laughing again. I then laugh with him.

"Soon Young I cant do this," I say after laughing.

"You can, its just--" he didnt finish his sentence when he starts laughing again.

I chuckle at him.

"What?" I ask.

"I never seen you act before and its really funny," he says while holding his laugh.

"You think I wanna act? This is a presentation and I need to act in order to pass this," I pout.

Soon Young smiles warmly at me and pecks my lip.

"You'll past, Im sure of that," he says.

"I hope, what if I accidentally laugh at class?" I ask.

"I dont know," he says while holding his laugh.

I hit him.

"Sorry," he says and stops laughing.

I sigh.

"Come on ___, you'll be fine," he says patting my shoulder.

"I want to pass Soon Young," I say while closing my face with my hands.

"And you will pass," he says removing my hand away from my face.

I just pout again and he pecks my lip again.

"Wanna get some ice cream to cool you down?" He asks.

"Yes please!" I say.

"Come on then princess," he says walking out of the house.

I follow him and he locks the door.

"If Im a princess you should carry me all the way to the car," I say.

"Then you're not a princess," he says.

"If Im not a princess then Im 100% sure that Im a queen," I say.

"Nope," he says.

"Whatever you say then," I say and walk to the car.

He then drives us to the convenience store. After buying ice cream and other junk foods he drives us back home.

"So how are you feeling with these foods on our hands now?" He asks as we walk in the house.

"Everything changes, I dont feel pressured for tomorrow already but it didnt change the fact that Im a queen," I say.

"Whatever then, atleast Im the king," he says while smiling at you.

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