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I opened my eyes and I saw that I was laying on a couch in someone's house. I saw Sango come in with a bowl of soup.
Sango: hey shippo. U seem to be better.
Ship:yeah and do u mind telling me how I got here.
Sa:u don't remember that's right u did black out. Any way kohaku came and saved u from that bully.
Kohaku saved me.
Just then Kohaku walked in.
Ko: hi Shippo how u feeling.
Ship: a little bit better.
San: well I'll leave u two to talk.
Ship: so Kohaku um thanks.
Ko: for what.
Ship: saving me.
Ko: oh that. it was no problem. I just didn't want to see u get hurt.
Ship: well thanks anyway.
Ko:*sighs* um Shippo. there's another reason I saved u.
 I sat up a bit wondering what the other reason was.
Ship: what is it?
Ko: the other reason is because I like u. I like u a lot. and I don't mean just as a friend I mean as something more.
I was completely shocked that my crush Kohaku the hockey player likes me. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I head Kohaku's voice.
Ko: I know you're thinking  Kohaku , star player of our schools hockey team has a crush on a little guy like me, this has to be a joke, but it's not I really do like u. I know u probably don't feel the same.
He was about to leave when I pulled on his sleeve.  He turned around.
Ship: Kohaku wait. I feel the same way.
Ko: really?
 I nodded my head as he sat down beside me.
Shi: I've liked u since the 1st time I saw u. I liked how kind u were . I went to every game and I would cheer u on. Except last game because u know I got sick and your sister recorded it for me. I even went to the ice rink that u guys practice at to study using my phone for light. I feel in love u more and more everyday.
Ko: it is the same for me and thank u for cheering me on. In fact some of the guys on the team called u my little cheerleader. Btw I kind of knew u hid in the bleachers to study a little before I caught u but never thought much about.
 there we sat blushing like crazy because we never knew the other liked them. Then I saw Kohaku lean down and kiss me gently. His lips are softer than I imagined. And if you're wondering yes I've imagined how soft is lips were. He slowly liked my lips for entrance which I kindly gave. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and I happily let him explore my mouth. We both pulled back for air and smiled. I blushed a little but I was happy because Kohaku was official my first kiss. I watched as Kohaku bit his lip, reached in his pocket  and pulled something out, then got on one knee, and opened up a small black box revealing a small promise ring.
Ko: Shippo, will u please be my boyfriend?
Ship: yes , a million times yes.
He slipped the ring on my finger and gave me a gentle peck on the lips.

Kohaku x shippo: an inuyasha thankgiving.Where stories live. Discover now