Part IV

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I know it's just a short chapter, but I don't have as much time as I'd like to, but I still wanted to update for you guys, and if you vote or comment for my story, it really means a lot to me! 

As soon as they climbed the concrete steps leading out from the corridors, a cool night air hit them with a force of a strong wave. It was middle of the night and there was no one around here. The woods were quiet and completely still except for the wind playing with the leaves on the ground. Theo went first, stopping few feet from the entrance and turned to look at the two others. 

After endless hours spent in the underground, they both looked pretty much wrecked. In the dim light provided by the moon Theo was able to recognize the dirt and grease covering their skin and clothes. He, on the other hand, looked as perfect as ever; his hair perfectly styled, his clothes pin point perfect only with occasional blood stains. Theo was a picture of perfection which annoyed Stiles to no end. Stiles was grossed out by his own smell and hated the fact Theo was there to see him looking like this.

"God finally!" Stiles breathed in deeply and angled his face to the light breeze with his eyes closed. After few moments he opened them again and looked at Derek who was covered in dirt, his shirt torn at few places and looking his brooding self. Stiles managed a small smile and after a while, Derek returned it.

"Do any of you know where we are?" Stiles turned around in a small circle, trying to locate their position. They were in the woods, that's as far as Stiles knew.

"I know where we are," Derek replied hesitantly and Stiles frowned at him. "I know this forest by heart, Stiles," Derek rolled his eyes at the boy's surprised expression. "We're not that far from the town. It's about three or four miles south. We're close to the town's borders."

Stiles' expression was one of terror. "That's too far!" Stiles complained and looked around desperately. He was in no condition of walking three miles through the woods.

Derek grimaced, "that's too bad. We're going."

Leaving no space for further discussion, Derek pushed Theo first and then started walking right after him. At that moment, Derek forgot that Stiles is only a human. Derek himself felt tired but it wasn't nearly as bad, his wolf strength will keep him going now when there's a fresh air all around him. But Stiles is a different story, the boy spent most of his energy to help Derek to survive, and the rest he used to punch Theo quite too many times. Derek looked over his shoulder to make sure Stiles was following, and when he saw the teen shuffling behind him, he turned his attention back to Theo.

If he was to guess, it was sometime around 3 a.m. but he wasn't sure about the date. It was annoying, frustrating even. With his eyes trained on Theo, Derek was closely listening to Stiles' steps following him as the Stilinski boy cursed as yet another twig hit his face.

"How long have we been down there?"

Another branch snapped and leaves rustled under Stiles' shoes as they made their way through the forest. A soft orange-ish glow from the town was illuminating one side of the sky while the rest was pitch black and covered with silver dots of stars. Derek and Theo had no problems to see in the dark with their wolf eyes, but it was harder for Stiles to walk straight without tripping. After he lost his footing for the third time, Derek sighed dramatically, caught his hand and was leading the way while making sure Stiles will stay on his feet.

Theo took some time to reply, "Three days. The fool moon is in few days."

Stiles heard Derek cuss under his breath and he looked at the wolf walking just one step ahead of him, firmly holding his hand, "hey, Der?"

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