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A/N: I'm going back to work on Monday, guys, and it sucks! I won't be able to update for a whole week because I'll be in Germany all the week with no internet connection. So that's why I'm posting this chapter now! I hope you will like it, I know I suck at smut but I still tried to make it believable, so be gentle with me. 

Also, the story is slowly coming to an end. I see maybe three or four more chapters and then we're done here. So it won't take long before you know what's going to happen to Stiles, I promise. I still hope the time lines are comprehensible? If not, let me know please! 

Anyway, I know you do read my story, I can see the stats, but I can't see any coments except for teenloverwolf who is making me really happy with her comments! So this part is dedicated to her :-))) But the rest of you, please, enjoy! I'm really happy you at least read this story! Thank you so much for it, by the way! <3

It was nearly 9pm when Scott's phone went off with a text from Derek. It was very simple and very Derek-like.


"Who was it?" Isaac walked into Scott's room, a bowl of cereal in his hand and spoon loosely hanging from his mouth. Scott just raised an eyebrow. "What? I like cereal way too much for them to be eaten only as breakfast. Especially the cinnamon ones," he explained as he took another spoonful.

"Not judging, buddy," Scott grinned and shook his head, already sending texts to Liam and Lydia. He thought about inviting Mason as well but decided against it. There were enough people at risk of life as it was, they definitely didn't need a guy who says "intense" to everything werewolf's.

"Derek wants us to meet at his place in twenty minutes."

Isaac only nodded, "enough time to finish this."

Scott just looked at him, an amused grin on his face. He missed having Isaac around more than he would admit. And Melissa was happy to house the blonde boy again as well; over the months he spent there before he became like a son to her. Scott sat down in his chair and just watched his friend for a while, but before it could get awkward, Melissa knocked on the door, her head appearing right after.

"Hey boys, everything okay?"

"Hi, Melissa," Isaac grinned at her. The two of them just met downstairs, but he still felt the need to say hi. It warmed his insides when she gave him that genuine, mother-like smile.

"Hey, mom," Scott smiled at her, "yeah we're just about to head over to Derek's."

Melissa frowned. "It's bad enough you disappeared for two days going to a different state. What you two aren't telling me?" She looked at them both suspiciously. It was hard to raise a teenage boy on her own, let alone two that happen to be werewolves as well. They were bound to get into trouble at some point.

Scott stood up and went to hug his mom. "I promise we'll be fine."

"There is something going on, then, isn't it? Something I should be concerned about?" She looked from one boy to another, and sighed. "Just don't come running to the hospital on the verge of life, okay? I've had enough of those to last a life time."

Scott smiled, "don't worry mum."

"I'll keep an eye on him, Melissa."

She gave Isaac a suspicious look but nodded her head anyway. "Okay, I took a double shift at the hospital so I'll be gone now but text me whenever you can, okay?" She kissed Scott's forehead and waved at Isaac before she gave them both one last worried look, and left for work. Little did she know who will be in need of her help in less than twenty-four hours.

The Beast of Géavudan (Sterek)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat