the date part 3

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*in the last chapter*

Aj: have you ever fallen in love for somepony? ...

RD: Amm...m-maybe... why do you ask? * she said nervously *

Aj: ah don't know.. curiosity ah guess...then yes or no?

RD: * sigh* yes..

Aj: who If ah may ask...?

Rd: it is a long story

Aj: we have time..

RD: once..when i was in the high school i had somepony to fall in love,.but...then discovered that it was a mistake and realized it was not worth to be with....

Aj: oh!..sorry

RD: no matter...and you? Somepony you have in mind?

Aj: W-well... actually there somepony

RD: And...who is?

AJ: *blushes* somepony who was always been there for me ...and supports me...

RD: *think* Oh god! It will be me!?.could it be that she has feelings for me?


RD: Ah!? What? What happened!?

AJ:you stayed silent for a second...what are you thinking?

RD: A-am..nothing

AJ: Are ya' sure? You look nervous sugarcube

RD: i'm fine..don't worry..well who is your special pony?

AJ: W-well..ah don't think ah should say the name...

Narrator POV*

RD though this was her chance to tell her their feelings..
But, she was afraid to reject it and end their frienship.

So Rainbow asked if they could take the walk around the lake..

Applejack's POV*

Rainbow is actin' very strange,
Since ah' asked ir her had fallen in love......

Well...maybe it's nothin', ah' need to stop worrying 'bout everything

OH! Ah' need to tell her ah' have to go to Applelossa to help my cousin Braeburn with his and ah' will not see her or the others for almost a year...

RD: H-hey AJ?

AJ: yeah sugarcube?

RD: i need to tell you somthing very important

AJ: Wait.. also...ah' need to tell you somthin' too

RD: oh!'kay

AJ: look.. how ah' say this? Well..ah' have ta go Applelossa this weekend because Braeburn needs my help with their apple trees... an' if ah' don't go.. is likely to lose his farm...

RD:'s nice to help him with his farm and his apple trees but...i don't see the rason.. why your telling me this?

AJ: Ah'm tell you this, because ah' would have ta be there for almost a year and Ah' can not see you and the gal's in a while....

Rainbow Dash to hear what Applejack just said... she stayed froze for a moment....

¿How could this be possible? ¿Not to see the love of her life for a year?

RD: W-what!? ...

Aj: it's just.. mah' cousin needs my help with his trees..

RD:And they can not go others cousins from the Apple family!?

Aj: Well.. yeah but, also they need mah' help too

Rainbow Dash POV*

Maybe if i tell her now my feeling for her... she do not want to go?

Ugh! I can not stand it anymore ...I need to know if she feels the same!

Come on Rainbow irt's now or never!

RD: Applejack..

AJ: yeah?

RD: *sigh* look.. I...I like you...more than a friend.... i've been in love since we competed in the race leaves....
I always loved the way you are are you so honest, so strong...and I don't's somthinf i've always wanted to say... only, i stay watching your eyes..
That beautiful green eyes...

Narrator POV*

At that time, Rainbow can't wait any longer and broke down and lunged Applejack and kiss her on the lips

Applejack stayed froze.. she could't believe it what was happening...

Dash in that instan.. she feels butterflies in her stomach.. finally she had told Applejack what she felt for her,
That moment was like to be in heaven........

But then everything crashing down...

Applejack broke the kiss, pushing back rainbow...


Rainbow fell to the grown ,touching her cheek with a hoof... a huge pain ran down her face...



Aj: what's wrong with me?..oh it's nothin' really.. it's just, mah' best friend just kiss me... that happen!

RD: B:but.. I though..

AJ:WHAT!? You really though ah' felt the same about ya!?...ugh as a could be fiend s with somepony like you!?

RD: B-but i though yo felt the same.. a-and all those thing you said 'bout y-your special somepony?

AJ: And you though it was you?

RD: W-well...

Aj: How can you be so stupid!? Between you and i can not and never will be nothin'!! GET IT!?

At that time Rainbow was a break her heart in two

AJ: A'hm sorry Dash.. but ah' don't fell the same way 'bout cha... we better stop talkin'... or at least until your feelings pass...

And then...Applejack stared toward Sweet Apple Acres..

Leaving Rainbow Dash alone in the cold, dark night with a broken heart

PARDON ME If up dealy chapter... is that i'm in exam week and.. it is assumed that i should be studying buy...ñya~

So anyways, tell me what chu think:)

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