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SquidCake was reading a phanfic called Arranged Marriage, which is a freaking good fic so read it! She stumbled upon a strange comment. As she was reading that comment that AndleyCashby (Charlie) had posted. This comment said "Am I the only on who though of Phil ripping his hands into Dan's face? Yeah? Okay..." As SquidCake comments a punny pun, she got hit with a brick before requesting her last wish. This wish was for The Rip Fic to become a thing. Charlie, who suddenly fell in love with this magesical being, confessed their undying love for young SquidCake.

Magically and suddenly, SquidCake was resurrected back from the dead (like Jesus but BETTER!). Their lived was confessed and the romance blossomed through ice cream and messaging, to which Charlie Was fangirling the whole time, which became something bigger. The start of something much more amazing that anything ever created and maybe more...

Later, two amazing people, known as Dat_Gay_Lego and ironicallyinflames, see this love and decide to tell the world. Ironicallyinflames sees this new love as a ship and decides they shall be called The Rip Fic and write about their undying love. Amazingly, both SquidCake and Charlie sees this amazing news and both explain The Rip Fic through a FanFic. To this day, SquidCake, ironicallyinflames and Charlie are trying to make The Rip Fic a thing.

The end...

I hope you enjoy The Rip Fic because it was so fun to write but even more fun to create with the two creative and amazing SquidCake and ironicallyinflames! Check both of these amazing people out and follow them because why the fluff not!? I mean, while talking to SquidCake, I have created a new friend and Ironicallyinflames was so great to help with The Rip Fic fly.

So here is how the ship The RipFic and stories of The RipFic flew into the sky!

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