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Batman walked through the tunnels as he reached the coordinates that Raymond had supplied with him.  He was following Prometheus, but who knew where he could have gone because Raymond could be wrong.  Though this was Bruce's only lead on stopping Prometheus from using the Galvolt against the city.  He walked into a larger chamber where a huge spire rose up from a deep chamber below.  Batman walked forward seeing a console on the spire and a figure standing before it.  Batman heard a cry as he moved forward.  He widened his eyes seeing Prometheus holding a hostage with him, but the hostage was working the console.  

"Shit..."  Bruce muttered as he saw that it was Raymond who stood at the console while Prometheus held his sword up yelling at him.


"I'm trying!"  Raymond yelled back, "This takes time!  Please just don't kill me!"

"Damn you, Raymond..."  Batman shook his head as he walked forward raising a batarang and throwing it into the air.  He watched as it spun towards Prometheus, but Prometheus spun around catching it mid-air.

"I knew you'd arrive soon."  Prometheus laughed as Batman walked forward onto the large platform above the deep chamber.  Batman raised his fists as Prometheus held his sword up, "Scientist, finish the work or you and the Batman will both die."

Raymond yelped out as he kept working and Prometheus threw a small device on the ground next to him.

"It'll incinerate him if you try anything, Bat."  Prometheus warned as he paced around Batman in a circle while Bruce did the same readying to strike.

"This is a new age!"  Prometheus yelled lunging forward as Batman leaped back, "You're too outdated to stay in it!"  Prometheus lunged again hitting Batman in the shoulder with his elbow and then kneeing him in the gut.  Prometheus grabbed his back and began to lift him up, but Batman kicked him back and leaped back throwing smoke bombs down.  He moved into the smoke, but a hand reached through the darkness grabbing his cape and throwing him down.  As the smoke cleared, Batman looked up seeing Prometheus standing over him.

"Your tricks don't work on me, dark knight."  Prometheus laughed, "Time to die."  He lifted up his sword again, but Bruce quickly rolled to the side as he plunged the blade into the ground.  Batman threw another small orb at Prometheus this one exploded on impact knocking him back.  The explosion was not enough to kill him, but enough to incapacitate.  Batman saw him slide to the edge of the platform and ran up as Prometheus lay there with some of his armor blasted away.

Batman widened his eyes as he moved up towards the body.  Prometheus had wires poking out of his skin.  Batman reached down ripping his skin open as more mechanical parts came into sight.  Batman watched in awe as Prometheus began to breakdown and his voice became even more mechanical.

"An android?"  Batman asked himself as he examined the synthetic body.  Something was wrong here, when Prometheus was on the roof.  He was real then, Bruce was sure of it, what was going on?

"Batman!  Help!"  Raymond yelled as Batman turned around seeing another Prometheus grabbing him and dropping into the chamber below.  Batman heard Raymond screaming as he fell with the villain, but was that another robot?

Batman ran up to the console when a hand grabbed his shoulder and he felt a sharp pain in his back.  He elbowed the figure behind him and whipped around seeing another Prometheus.

"Die Batman!"  Prometheus yelled slashing at him again, but Batman grabbed his arm and stabbed with a batarang into the armor.  The batarang released an electric pulse knocking the second synthetic down.  Batman again examined this second robot, and he realized the defining factor.

This android lacked the Galvolt on his arm.  That was how Bruce could tell them apart.

He turned as he heard something below the platform.  He ran to the edge leaping off and diving to the chamber below.  He allowed his cape to carry him down as he reached the bottom.  He saw Prometheus carrying Raymond over his shoulder with the Galvolt on his wrist.

"Shit."  Batman muttered as he ran after him, but another Prometheus dropped down in front of him.  He heard more dropping in behind him now, two were standing there with their swords.  The one in front of him lunged at him with its sword, but Batman slid aside as the one behind him did as well.  The two tackled each other and the third leaped at Batman only for it to be pierced with a batarang.  Batman threw two small sticky explosives onto the androids and leaped back as they exploded.

Batman turned moving towards the tunnel.

Time to find Prometheus.

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