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2 years after

Alexa, John, George and all of the gang has finish school. They were graduate and happy to be. The lads decided to continue in music, after doing a couple show they decided to do some other show at the Cavern and the Casbah. While this time, Alexa who has many talents decided with the help of his mother to be an actress. She began her class at the University and she was really in love with it.

George and her was always together and feel the perfect love. They had some chicanes, but which couple didn't have chicanes?

I were studying at home and Mimi were at the market to buy somethings for the dinner. John was in the bedroom with his guitar as always I supposed. He didn't stop to practice or he were at the Cavern. I heard someone walking toward the kitchen and it was John.
"Oh well, you always exist?" I said with a smile
"Yes, for sure that I exist!" he smiled
"How is going your things?"
"Oh really well seriously. All is good. How
about you?"
"That going well too! What are you doing tonight?"
"I'm going to see the love of my life, she's called Cynthia."
"Oh well a new girl again! Do you forget your sister? I never see you!"
"Yes, but with her it's serious. And I'm sorry, tomorrow I'll pass the day with you, I promise you!"
"You can present me Cynthia tomorrow?" I smiled
"For sure!" he smiled too

He leaves the home, leaving me alone again. I continue to study my text waiting for Mimi to begin to do the dinner with her when I heard knock on the door. I supposed that it was Mimi who has full hand so I walked to the door and I found George front me. I jumped in his arm so happy, that did so much time that I hadn't see him.
"Oh darling I'm so happy to see you too! I have a gift for you, can I enter?" George asked
"Sure, come in! Mimi will arrive in a couple minutes."
"Oh you're alone? I arrive at the perfect moment."
"Yes! John leaved since 5 minutes!"

He entered and kissed me tenderly. He took a little box in his coat and gave me this. I opened her to see a beautiful bracelet and a ring.
"Oh my god George! It's perfect! Thank you so much!"
"That's a pleasure. What are you doing tonight?"
"I don't know. John is with his new girlfriend Cynthia. I wanted to pass some time with him, but he's with her. Maybe you can eat here?"
"It will be a pleasure to eat with a beautiful girl like you and her aunt!" he winked

I put my things in my bedroom and I came back in the kitchen to sit down with George. We talked some minutes when we finally heard the door opened and Mimi enter in the home.
"Hey hello George! Alexa, John is in your bedroom yet?"
"No he leaves home since 5 minutes. He goes to see his new beautiful girlfriend. Now it's serious he said. She's called Cynthia. I will meet her tomorrow!"
"Oh so George will eat with us?"
"She already asking me to stay, but I can't say no when two person ask me that." he smiled

We eat together and George leaved the home after.

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