story time

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Let me tell you a story

Ok so I dance at my local dance studio and I guess you could say I'm sorta serious about it like I go 4 sometimes 5 days a week about 8-9 hours not counting when I dance and my house and I sorta maybe wanna become a principal dancer when I get older

moving on

So there's this girl at my studio and let me tell you she really jingles my balls. Let's call her breanna. I take ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, contemporary, and I do pointe so like I said serious and in contemporary we do improv and let me tell you I am horrendous at it. So I guess breanna noticed and she goes to me

"Hey, I noticed your struggling with improv in contemporary. Let me help you"



like wHaT tHe heLL I know I'm bad at improv but I don't need you to tell me

She's also like "one of the favorites" so she's got an ego as big as a fucking elephant

this happened about 2 weeks ago so I'm like "ok, I don't care, it's fine, I just won't talk to her"

then TONIGHT at dance she starts talking to me about her period and sweaty pits and oh my god what goes through her head

she literally never talks to me and then bam gets all personal

girl you gotta slow yo roll

also today in gym some idiot kid tells our gym teacher to "fuck off" and says he's lucky he goes to his class

wow ok I don't have the guts to even raise my hand in class

story time over


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