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there was two fights in our school hallway this Tuesday



in our school there are two hallways: the senior hall and the other one that is the craziest crowded hallway ever. the senior hall is downstairs, and what I'm gonna call the junior hall (the vv hectic one) is above it. I'm mostly on the junior hall with sally for all my classes, but we have three periods on the senior hall (math, music, and lunch)

math is our second period since we have 9 outta 10 periods together, and I stop at my locker between classes while sally brings all her before lunch books with her

I don't have the arm strength

so we go different ways to our third period which we ALSO have together (there are two staircases) bc my locker is right next to the staircase I go up and our third period is closer to the staircase she goes up. the math classroom is really close to 'my' staircase so I'm up the stairs before sally even gets to hers. fast forward to third period.

I walk into science, my third period, and I hear people talking about a fight on the senior hall with older boys right after second period.

I'm just there like what the fuck and sally tells me because she saw it. the only time something interesting happens, I don't see it.

m y  l u c k

well we thought that would be it for one day because the most talk around our school is who had a boyfriend for three hours

someone's 'realationship' literally lasted that long once

but no the gods of drama just gave everyone two big January presents wrapped with a damn bow on top and I'm the only person that didn't get one

after lunch I had history with sally (back on the junior hall now), and I went to French when she went to Spanish. so we meet back up for English class, ninth period, and I'm already in the classroom with about two and a half minutes to spare. sally walks in and sits next to me at the exact moment a girl named becky sprints in and tells our teacher to 'get out here! there's a fight!'

so everyone's initial reaction is to jump up and run as fast as fucking light to see it, which is what everyone did. including me.

but I'm generally short for my age, with a ton of tall kids in my grade and of course other grades that are pushing to watch

by the time I even get out the door


like yeah the teachers obviously are gonna break it up as soon as they could (which they should)

which they did

but I couldn't have gone a little faster? been a little taller? really drama gods? do u hate me that much? the only time something interesting happens in that goddamn school with a ton of bitchy people (which is what started it in the first place tbh) I. miss. it.

at least sally got to see 1 out of 2

so the bottom line is I have absolutely no luck and if you want to screw me over you could probably do it with one wish


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