welcome to my world

978 15 12

Your pov

I watched people run bye the ally ways knowing that people might pounce on them at any moment, all except for one lady who was walking with a smirk. Stupid rich people. I ran out and fell at her feet and made it look like I fell because of her.

"Oh are you alright?" She asked and held out her hand that was covered in rings but I found a huge diamond one and smirked a bit before I grabbed her hand along with the ring and pulled it off and smiled a bit before walking into the alley into my 'house' made out of boxes. She frowned and handed me a $100 bill and I smiled a bit before she walked away.

"Stupid rich people." I mumbled and walked to my real home. A run down apartment that me,my brother,my mom and a stray cat live. I walked into the complex and walked up the metal stairs that were rusting away before I opened the door and saw my brother playing with the cat while my mother was trying to chase the bugs out.

"Hello honey hows was work?" She asked and I smirked before I opened my hand and showed her the diamond ring, the $100 from the lady, some pears from a necklace I stole out of a shop, a few gold rings from the alley way, and a silver ring.

"Wow sis this is your best haul yet!" He shouted and I giggled before I grabbed the money and jewerly and walked down to a shop where they trade in bangles for cash. The man smiled at me.

"Ah my best customer, what do you want to sell to me y/n?" He asked handing me a candy that I placed in my pocket and I held out the jewls and rings.

"Hmm fine quality things you got here today, now adding the price of this stuff minus about 20$ for it being warn I say you have about $10,000." He said and handed me the money and I smiled.

"Thanks sir." I said and walked out with the money and ran back to the apartment were my brother and mother were anxiously waited for the news.

"I got $10,000!" I shouted and they smiled.

"Alright we have to still pay about $50,000 to the loan sharks but we need to take about half of this away to pay for rent, heating bill, and electricity bill. Plus food for the next week so this week we will be able to make our $20,000 quota and soon we will not have any more fees." I said and the door bell went of and I answered the door and saw the loan shark, franky, there with his crew. I smiled and handed him the 20 grand and he smiled.

"Ah only 2 more weeks and your quota will be filled, that's why I am doubling it." He said and I nodded with a smile.

"Alright sir." I said and he smirked before leaving, if there is anything I know about our side of the city its that don't fight a loan shark unless you want to be their next meal.

"Mom we can't ever get rid of these men, if dad haven't made a bet then we would have no trouble living in this place. But he just had to mess with loan sharks and leave us the money he owed." Kyle, my younger brother, said and I nodded before he opened the fridge and pulled out some left over rice to eat but I growled and grabbed it.

"Sorry but this is dinner." I said and he sighed but I fed him a spoonful and he chewed it and swolled before hugging me and continued to play with the cat. I looked around the house before I opened the door and I felt a cool gust of wind come in and then a flyer got stuck to my face. Pulling it off I smiled.

"Mom, kyle look!" I shouted and they ran to me, and read the flyer.

"Waitress and nightguard needed, freddy fazbear's pizzaria." She read out loud and I grabbed my best cloting and shoes which consisted of a graphic tee, sweat pants without the holes and sneakers. I brushed my hair with an old hair brush I found in the trash once and smiled.

"I will be back soon, if I don't come back that means that I got the job and I am working there already." I said and hugged them both before I walked out and started running though the city. I got to the better part of the city and started walking from there, I looked around and saw the building with a huge sign and walked in and was greeted by a.......chicken?

"Welcome to our pizzaria would you like some pizza?" A chicken said and I smiled.

"No I am hear for the jobs." I said and she grabbed my hand and lead me to the manager's office where he was talking on the phone and hung up before he looked at me.

"Umm hi my name is y/l/n and I would like the job as nightguard and waitress." I said and he smirked.

"Alright you have the job, both jobs but be careful sometimes weird and deadly crazy things happen around here." He said and I looked at the badge, its said scott.

"Oh okay mr.scott can I start now if thats alright with you." I said and he nodded and handed me the waitress uniform before I went into the girls restroom to change and walked out with a smile.

"Your family needs the money and mom can't work any more." I mumbled before walking out and chica giggled.

"Your so cute, now can you help me serve pizza?" She asked and I nodded before I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a few trays and started placing them on the right tables. People smiled and I giggled.

"Hey miss do you know that people live really bad in the down town part of the city?" The little girl asked and I set the other pizza down on the table behind me where it was supposed to go and I nodded.

"Well me and mommy go down there everyday and give food to the poor people down there and there happy to see us. But I saw a girl just like you there why is that?" She asked and I gulped, down town people were never aloud to mix with uptowners.

"B-Because she is my twin but since we have different family places I can't see her any more." I said and she frowned.

"I'm sorry." She said and I giggled.

"Don't worry about it its not a big deal." I said and continued working, but the entire time I felt a pair of eyes on me, like someone was watching me but I never saw anyone.

"Miss. Y/n." A deep voice called out and I turned around and saw freddy.

"Yes freddy?" I asked and he held up his paw.

"It burns can you clean it up?" He asked and I smiled and walked into the kitchen and pulled out a wet ran and walked back and took his paw and started to clean off the pizza gently.

"Oh how can a perfectly poised bear like you get some hot cheese on you?" I asked and he looked at me with eyes that held emotion.

"A little girl bumped into me and I picked her up but her pizza fell on my paw, bonnie cleaned up the mess but I wasn't able to clean off my paw." He said and I nodded and looked at his clean paw and kissed the burned area.

"Are you alright now?" I asked and he nodded a bit before going back to work.

Freddy's pov

I walked around and played with kids, but the only thing on my mind was y/n. Every time I did that test on the new waitress they would always say for me to do it and they always end up dead the next day. But no she passed the test so I have to next test her as a night guard. Her world is about to be turned upside down...

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