opening up

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The toys were talking it away with marionette when Freddy pulled you to the back room with a serious face." What were you doing making more animatronics." I just wanted to help out the other souls" you said cowardly. When he grabbed you by the wrist showing you the endoskeleton. You didn't realize your own suit was starting to mess up again." Do you see this, you could have been someone different if you listened but I'm not mad because of that it's because of Winfred" he said sadly. " It wasn't her fault if you just listen I can tell you the truth, would I lie to my own boyfriend" you said grabbing his arm." Y/N I know, but I'm upset with Winfred because she got herself killed." Freddy said let tears swell up in her eyes." She could had escaped while Vincent was killing me and not die along with me too but she didn't listen" Freddy shouted.

Flash back

" Hey its so cool down her big brother, look at these robots" the little girl said as touched one of the empty suits." Don't touch anything we don't want to break anything okay" the boy said pulling his sister away." Hi little kids do you want to have some fun" the man said as he walked up to the kids with a knife. " Go, Winfred don't come back and warn the others" The little girl was too scared to move. The boy yelled as the man slit his throat." Big brother noooo, please don't leave me ,please stay " Winfred yelled as she ran to her brother. The man stuffed him in the suit crushing the boys body . " Come little girl it's your turn, you can be with your brother" he said as he walked closer to Winfred. " I'll be with big brother forever, okay but do you promise" she said innocently. " Promise" the man said with a grin on his face as he stabbed the little girl in the chest. He stuffed her in the suit chuckling letting the suit crush her body. The same fate would come to the others.

End of Flashback ( Your POV)

You were breaking down in tears as Freddy told you what happened. He brought you into a tight hug bringing you in to his chest." she wanted to be with you because if she escaped she would have been all alone" you said trying to comfort him." She would have been much happier than stuck here with me" Freddy said pulling you away to the stage. "That's why you have to tell her why I'm mad at her for" he said giving you a shove onto the stage. You were wiping of the tears

" Hey Winfrey can I talk to you real quick, it's about why Freddy's mad at you" you said nervously. " Sure, let's go backstage "she said walking back stage." You see Freddy is mad at you because the day you were killed you could have escaped and warned the others" you said looking around making no one was hearing you." Is that really what he's mad about all this time I thought I had upset him forever" Winfred said sadly." Well he's mad because you could have lived and spent your life happily" you said grabbing Winfred bring her into a tight hug." Now that I know that I feel much better but do the others know it was my gault" she said letting her tears hit my shoulders. "Well tell them when the time is right" you said dragging her to Freddy.
" Where are you taking me" Winfred said looking around everywhere. You lead her over to fedddy where you left her their in an awkward silence.

Freddys Pov

Y/N just walked off leaving me and Winfred and I asked her what's wrong." Y/N told me what happened " Winfred said looking nervously at the floor." Winfred you could have lived and spent time with mom and dad again but you decide to stay back" I said with tears swelling up in my eyes." I'm sorry Freddy I was too scared and didn't know what was going to happen to me and I wanted to be with you because your my big brother" didn't Winfred said breaking down into tears. I couldn't hold back the tears and brought her into a tight hug." I just didn't want for you to get hurt I was trying to look out for you but instead I made you suffer" I said leaning on her shoulder. " You didn't make me suffer because I got to be with you every day of my life while I was down their" she said placing her hand on my head." Can you forgive me, I locked up away and left you their alone and I'm sorry Winfred just please forgive me " I said pleading to her." I forgive and I was never alone you were always their even if I couldn't see you " she said hugging me tightly not letting me go.

Time skip ( Closing Time ) your POV

" Y/N thank you for saying that to Winfred" he said bringing you into a tight hug. Goldie came along I think we have a deal that is in order Brother you remember our agreement " he said eying Freddy." OH yes, Y/N I forgot to tell you that could you please fix my brother, I'll get the girls to help " he said with puppy eyes and you couldn't resist. " Sure, but I don't need the help, I can do It myself and the toys are busy anyway" you grabbing Goldie by the arm ad you turned human." Turn your self off make this easier I don't to mess up anything" you told him and he went limp but little did you know he was on the entire time. You took of his front chest place and you could have sworn you saw a smirk on Goldie face but you ignored it. You sewed on some gold fur that was nice and smooth. You placed that to the side and started working on his arm. When you heard a giggle com from Goldie ." I thought I told you to power down, so I would have to make things complicated" you said irritated." Yeah but I just wanted to know what it feels like and that tickled...." Before he could finish his sentence you switched him off. You finished his arms as and right leg. You were working on the left and before you could sew in the last few threads you felt the needle prick you." Dang it, stupid needle" you said as you said As you sucked your finger. You were working on his face when you noticed Goldie didn't have actual eyes you went over to one of empty shelves and took a pair of yellow eyes from some spare parts in the heads. You placed his eyes on and sewed the last patch of fur as you made your way over to the back of Goldie placing everything back on him and flipping his switch. You saw him spring to life remembering that you oiled his endoskeleton so he could move around much faster. You gave him a mirror and you saw his eyes widen and he just gave you a gigantic bear hug." Thank you Y/N this is the best job anyone ever done to me, Thanks Alot" he said as he brought you more hugs.

Goldie POV

I walked out the backroom crossing the main stage as the others looked at me and awed. Freddy came up to me with a smirk on his face that turned into a smile. " I knew she was worth saving" I said as you made your way over to the toys who's eyes popped out of their heads as you walked by. Foxy was staring at me with this sad face and he gave me a fake smile and grabbed his arm and lead him to the backroom to you. " It's no fair if the captain doesn't get his share of the fame" I said as I pushed him towards you. " Please fix him up I know you spent hours on me but just this one time plz " I begged with puppy dog eyes and Y/N nodded her head. I sat foxy down in front of the table as Y/N started to pull out cloths and some other thing. I left them in the back room. And went to brag with the others.

Foxy POV

" Lass Y needn't be doing such thing for me I'm too old to fix" I said as she finished pulling out the rest of her supplies. " Why not Foxy I fixed all the others why can't you get fixed too" she said curiously. " the others never worry about me and if they do its because they need my help" Foxy said slinking in the chair. " Well things will be different after I'm done fixing you" she said proudly." Are ye sure" I said worried." Foxy no problem just calm down and turn yourself off " she said to him calmly making sure I was off which I wasn't . She started with my chest and down she replaced my old fur with a shiny new set and a pirates coat sewn to it. Y/N looked at my leg that was exposed and worked her way down the parts without fur. She finished when she looked at my other leg that was a peg and she took it off and grabbed a spare prosthetic that you really thought why did the company have such a thing as she placed it on with a boot. She worked on my face making sure all my parts were covered and made her way down my back turning me on.


You passed him a mirror and his eyes widened ,you liked his eyes that way they looked nice so you left them like that when Foxy dropped the mirror all of the sudden ." Foxy, Is something wrong" you said worriedly." Ye really did this for me" he said breaking down in tears as he hugged you." Of course I did, Foxy your like family to me and I would do anything for family" you said in a sweet voice. You walked out together in front of everyone and you could see Freddy had a scowl on his face which made you smirk and Goldie was standing in the back round with a " I did a good thing" expression on his face .Bonnie face was priceless as he saw Foxy as if he had died and someone brought him back to life." You have no idea how tired I am...." you said collapsing on Freddy of sleep taking over you before you could finish your sentence drifting off into a dream as you dozed

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