Chapter Two Aftermath

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Blue and red flashing lights. Pulled into the driveway. Alongside a four -wheeled drive and her parents' car.

So, dad got my text message and called the cops, after I chase the intruder away by myself.

Selina burst the house, frantic with worry. And pulled Destiny into a secure hug. "Did he get away? How on earth could he be walking after a fail like that?" She cried holding Destiny closer. After a few moments too long for Destiny's liking she let go and led her outside.

Destiny's father, spoke with the detectives while uniformed officers spread out across the forest, though she suspected they would not locate the intruder. He would be long gone by now. She stayed in the hallway, observing the police officers.
The lead detective went to inspect the study. Destiny followed him upstairs. Standing in the study doorway, she cleared her throat to get his attention.

"He cut his leg. There are bloodstains on the grass," she said.

The detective peered out of the window and nodded. He radioed through to the uniformed officers, and they swabbed for samples while he continued checking the study, taking meticulous notes on his notepad. "I'm Detective Willows. It's very nice to meet you, Miss Morgan. 'This isn't the first break-in by this chap, however, it is difficult to be sure, as the other victims could not give us a description. Hopefully, we will retrieve DNA from the blood samples. I know it's been a long night for you, but I need to take your statement.' he explained gently.

Although his clean-shaven face suggested he was no older than twenty-five. His grey eyes seemed kind. When he had finished looking around the study, he came over, flipping to a new page on his notepad.

Destiny chewed her lip nervously but felt relieved when her father joined them in the study. "I woke up during the storm because of a nightmare and went down to the kitchen to make a hot mocha."

"I was too awake to go back to bed, so I sat at the kitchen table and started sketching when a brick collided with the back door, smashing the glass." I didn't see anyone."

"And then I heard movement upstairs, so I grabbed the baseball bat. I went to Dad's study and got his journal, but the intruder found me, and he got away with the journal,"

Alaric patted his pockets, feeling for his golden key. "But I locked the door. How could they possibly get inside?" he asked, baffled.
"Dad, they opened the door from the inside. I don't even know how they got in," she admitted.

'Did you get a glimpse of his appearance?' Detective Willows asked.

"Only that he wore dark clothing and had aqua blue eyes. And I know he injured his right leg."

"What about the journal, would it have any markings, we could use to identify it?" The lead detective asked.
"There is a gold phoenix on the leather cover," her father said.
The detective finished taking her statement and handed over his card.
'If you remember anything else, no matter how small, contact me.'
They made their way back downstairs. "Sir, what did the journal contain?" the detective asked.
"The journal contains a record of all the paranormal cases I have investigated for my job."

"Alaric, your daughter, has been extremely helpful, but in cases like these it's unlikely to be turned in or found, but we will keep our eyes peeled." He smiled at Destiny with an impressed stare. Destiny and her dad followed the detectives outside as they returned to their cruiser. They watched the car pull away before heading back into the house.

Selina had cleaned up the glass shards and hung a garbage bag over the ruined glass door. The vacuum sat in the corner. While Destiny had given her statement to the deceives, Selina tided up the pots and pans.
Her parents sat at the kitchen table. Selina rubbed her forehead and sighed. "All this excitement has given me a migraine."

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