Chapter Six The mission Taylor's Pov

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Taylor frown confused. "Who was that girl, and why did his shoulder tingle when they were close to one another?"
"What connection did she have to their mission?"
Ashton stalked over, flicking the closed sign on the café. They gathered around the flickering fireplace, the wavering flames clast shadows along the walls. Taylorian pulled the leather-bound journal onto the coffee table. He carefully flicked through the aging pages, stained yellow with years of use. 

Finding the information about the elemental runes, the black cursive writing riddled the page, even the margins, whoever wrote this about the magical stones of Andreal, in the margins with hints of their location both in their home world and somewhere in Violet Springs.
However, the worn and faded ink made some locations unreadable. Christos mother brought the group tea. "We should watch the vail agents around town, Since Aleric is part of their organization," Ash suggested.
Taylor nodded in agreement, tapping his chin in thought. "Perhaps we should monitor Destiny's movements. The girl might be determined enough to discover the network of magic running underneath the town." Taylor replied.

He glanced out the café window; while drinking his steaming herbal tea, the sky painted an orange hue of the late afternoon. "Ashtion, Opal, can you please check the portal network for any changes." Taylor said.

"Christos and I will investigate the school while it is closed for renovations." Taylor glanced at Chris, who inspected the text. "It attracted the sea stone to water. It will appear in the presence of a mist fairy." He said.
Opal tapped the table. Getting Taylor's attention, she smiled sweetly. Concern etched on her face, "Sorry to interrupt your pondering, but we have not seen since Esmeralda, since she entered the forest. According to the local news, a wild girl has been sending the police on a wild goose chase." Opal said, laughing.
Taylor smirked, but shook his head. They had invited Esmeralda to the meeting. But she messaged, saying she had other plans to attend too. Opal stood, grabbing her camera bag.
Ashton led Opal outside. She took a picture of the approaching sunset before getting on his motorbike. They drove out of town towards the forest surrounding the fabled lake. While Taylor closed the café early, he packed his sleek black Ford at the end of the small parking lot. Taylor unlocked the car, they got in, Taylor reversed out of the parking lot and drove through the major streets.

"So, you would think the sea stone would choose a prime river or a large body of water such as the spring." Christos remarked.
"But no, Aleric said in his investigation, the sea stone had chosen the fountain in the greenhouse. Taylor let out a weary sigh, the weight of their words hanging in the air. "Christos," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of frustration, "the elemental runes, like elusive spirits, are drawn to the untouched beauty of nature. They yearn to be one with the environment, seamlessly blending in. We learnt this at the academy, remember?" Taylor asked.

"Yes, but I never expected the runes to venture into another world," Christos frowned. He placed his hand on the door, vaguely looking out the window. "What is troubling your mind? Destiny isn't a threat."
"I believe you, mate, but ever since we arrived in Violet Springs, things have been going wrong." Taylor leaned his head against the steering wheel.
"You expected everything to go according to plan? You're dreaming,"

They drove past the empty school buildings. They drove past the empty school buildings, where silence filled the space that was usually filled with chatter and laughter, of students and quiet students exiting from the library with books in hand,
Taylor parked behind the library. The patrolling security offer did not check this part of the school fence. Christos and Taylor climbed the rusted parts of the fence exposed to the elements. The bars rattled as they climbed over. They landed on the ground with ease. Christos glanced around. "With everything empty, the school is actually creepy." He shuttered, moving the white hair out of his face.
"Are you scared?" Taylor asked.
"The school is haunting when it's dark." He remarked. Taylor laughed, "I agree." Smoke bellowed from the forest nearby, they heard singing and chanting from the local sorceress clan,
"Wonder if they're performing a spell?" Christos asked. Embers rose into the starry sky, they quietly ventured towards the greenhouse, they jumped grabbing the roof, they carefully walked over the glass roof, removing the loose glass panel.
"The school never uses their maintenance budget for the things which need fixing." Christos complained. He jumped down into the humid greenhouse. Taylor landed, feeling the shockwave through his ankles.

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