Chater ten Opal's pov The chamber of mirrors

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Opal parked her scooter in the Winter hall's packing lot. Ignoring the grey, overcast sky, a humid scent filled the fierce winds. Threatening a downpour which started as droplets splashed on the pavement, she covered her dyed hair with her rain jacket hood, before reaching the lobby.
A warm yellow glow invited her, Opal, past the receptionist, who didn't glance up from her computer screen. "Stay out of the back-room, Opal," she remarked. She sighed, the amber potion clinked in her backpack, a constant remainder of Selina's dreadful intentions, an old musty smell welcomed her as she opened the dark oak doors with the golden handles, Winter Hall was the home of Violet Springs, collection of archives dating back to the sixteenth century. Opal embraced the spines of the books with their golden details. They had paired her with Christos for the history assignment. He suggested making something up, considering their arrival two weeks ago, which had gained the attention of the entire town. Amanda had to settle with the directives and Opal got chewed out by her adopted mother.

The collection in its entirety reached from wall to celling filling every space, inside the tail bookcases, the large arch window flooding the room with light, resembled the petals of an opening flower, Opal approached the bronze statues clashing their swords together in a fierce battle, the man resembled Taylor's ancestor, cobwebs and a thick layer of dust, suggested the statues weren't well taken care of, she searched the base, hearing the soft "Click of a button.
She heard the scrubbing of the statue behind her, the second statue moved, leading down into the darkness, stone steps beckoned Opal inside, she inhaled awkwardly, bringing out her phone light, she descended the staircase, the walls were caked with dust and a slime like substance. Turning Opal's fingers green in the bright light, the air was thin, making her breath shallow.
"How long has anyone been down here?" She questioned. Her voice echoed down the narrowing tunnel, the tunnel opened up, into a larger chamber, Opal shined the phone's light around the chamber looking for mirrors.
Finding nothing but an overbearing darkness and an entanglement of spiderwebs, Opal gulped, wondering what was taking Christos so long? She walked, pushing the cobwebs out of the way; they grew thicker and stickier as they approached the entrance to the next chamber. A massive wall of web blocked her path. She sighed, wishing she didn't need to use her reserves of magic, but she could find no way to slip past.
Opal shut her eyes, inhaling and exhaling, summoning the little threads of magic, which existed in the air, the ground, the dripping water and the heat in the room,
Her hands glowed with a flickering orange flame. She sent the fireball lighting up the cobwebs, illuminating the room, the heat coming off the glowing flames burnt the wall.

Opal tensed as she heard the piercing screech, causing her to look up. In an instant, the ceiling burst open, unleashing a swarm of countless smaller spiders that the raging flames had awakened. They descended from above, their long legs splaying out in every direction. "What the fuck? I thought giant spiders only existed in Andreal," she exclaimed, her voice filled with disbelief.

Reacting swiftly, Opal reached into her bag, her fingers fumbling until she grasped the explosion drafts that she and Amanda had painstakingly crafted together. With a determined resolve, she lit the fuse and hurled the volatile red liquid, causing the repulsive creatures to scatter in fear.

As the acrid scent of burnt web filled the air, Opal coughed, her throat irritated by the noxious fumes. Tears welled up in her eyes, stinging from the billowing smoke. Determined to escape the terrifying horde, she hurried into the adjacent chamber, her heart pounding in her chest. Each step she took echoed loudly against the cold stone floor, intensifying her anxiety.

Her breaths grew shallow, her cheeks flushed with a mix of exertion and fear, as she heard the skittering sounds growing closer behind her. She inhaled deeply. The sweat from the magical flames dripped into her, eyes blurring her vision; she tripped over a tree root sticking out; the dust settled into her raven hair; the strains knotted together.

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