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"Ma'am? Ma'am?" My eyes slowly fluttered open as I was awoken by the taxi driver slightly tapping on me, trying to wake me up.

I picked my head up from the head rest on the back of my chair and looked out the window.

"Is this the correct place?" the driver asked pointing towards the beautiful condo complex (?) that was currently in my range of eyesight.

"YES! YES! thank you so much!" I shrieked excitedly while quickly jumping out of the car to see the building in its full beauty.

It was a light grey complex building with white concrete blocks bordering only some edges. There were extremely shiny and reflective windows plastered around and you could see clear balconies surrounding the outside. It was quite the sight to see.

I heard the trunk to the car open and decided to help the driver unload my bags. I stepped back a little so I could reach into my purse and pull out a $100 bill. A $100 tip seems like a bit much, I know, but without having him, how would I get here?
"Thank you so much, sir!" I happily handed him the bill and he pushed it back towards me.

"The pleasure is all mine, ma'am. Keep your money." he smiled and I returned the gesture. He closed the trunk door and headed towards the driver's seat again. "Have a great day!" he shouted as he climbed into the car.

"Thank you, you too!" I shouted back at him. And with that, he drove off and I was left standing in awe at my new place of living, er, building of living. I finally decided to grab all my stuff and actually walk inside so I could do all that sign in adult work, so the complex owners know I'm here and breathing.

A bunch of signatures, paperwork and complex rules later, I finally got my condo keys!

I quickly stuffed it in my back pocket and tried to find out how in the hell I'm supposed to get all my crap from where I am now, to the elevator from a five feet distance.

Now that doesn't seem like much, right? Bitch you guessed it.

This place doesn't have one of those cart luggage things, which is REALLY stupid, so it was pretty much a montage of me pushing and shoving duffle bags and suitcases repeatedly, with no luck at all.

This isn't embarrassing at all.

•• Ethan's POV ••

Grayson, my twin brother, and I moved out from New Jersey to LA into this awesome condo about 2 weeks ago since we wanted to take our Vine and YouTube careers to the next level, so why not go to the place where talent has the same equivalency as gold?

We pretty much did all the unpacking and slight grocery shopping we needed to do, so now we just have to get comfortable in our new place!

"Hey Gray, I'm gonna go down and see if they'll allow us to duplicate this key since YOU KEEP LOSING IT." I told Grayson putting emphasis on the last part because he is the worst person ever when it comes to keeping up with things.

"I'm not THAT BAD! I've only lost it like 3 times!" he responds obviously not realizing that 3 times is too many times of losing our house key, which means we've gotten locked out 3 times in a period of 2 weeks.

I chuckled a bit and headed out towards where the elevator is on our floor. The doors split open as I began to step inside and proceeded listening to that awkward elevator music like in the TV shows. It's actually quite relaxing though.

Anyways, I finally reach the lobby as the doors split apart when I see an absolutely beautiful girl with bleach blonde hair and light blue eyes, struggling to get her luggage a simple 5 feet away approximately. It was actually kind of funny to watch her grunt and clench as she kept trying to push her bags towards the elevator with absolutely no luck.

I decided to be a gentleman and actually go up and help her instead of being, well, not gentleman.

"hey, do you need any help? kind of a dumb question because it's pretty obvious, but why not?" really Ethan.

She looked up at me with those crystal light blue eyes and chuckled at my dorky act of kindness.

"uh, yeah, I'd really love that a lot actually!" she accepted my offer and stepped aside for me to help. "oh I'm Kaylyn by the way!" She introduced herself as her hand went up for me to shake.

I accepted the gesture and introduced myself back.

"Hello Miss Kaylyn! I'm Ethan and it is my pleasure to meet you." I playfully bowed like those prince men in those royal movies. Yeah?

She laughed at my action and I joined it with her.

I was able to somehow get every single piece of luggage she had on at least one of my body parts, and let's just say: I'd be an AWESOME bellhop!

Kaylyn went ahead and tapped all the elevator buttons for me and we went inside and waited to reach the right floor.

"So Kaylyn, I'd say this is a pretty ideal time to tell me about yourself." I insisted while struggling to keep all this luggage on my body.

"Well Ethan, I'm a 17 year old from Georgia and I'm deeply in love with dancing." she said with a smile at the end

"Ahh you dance eh? On a scale of Michael Jackson to MC Hammer, how good of a dancer are you?" I asked with a smirk

She pretended to think about it for a second with her index finger and thumb stroking her chin.

"I'll have to get back to you on that one." she said laughing taking her fingers from her chin.

The elevator dinged and the doors split open and Kaylyn and I began to walk out.

"What condo are you in?" I ask her

"Umm," she was reaching into her back pocket to look at the number on her condo key to double check. "C14." she answered with a smile.

"Oh Grayson and I are C25, so we're the next floor up!" she looked a little confused when I said Grayson considering she doesn't even know who that is. "Grayson is by twin brother." I reassured her.

"Cool a twin! Well, it's cool to know my new condo friend isn't far, if that's cool with you to call us friends?" she put her hands up and tilted her head as she asked to see if we're friends.

"Yeah, friends!" I smiled at her and she returned the gesture.

Kaylyn went and opened the door to her new condo and I gasped as I dropped the bags as soon as I walked in. Those were rocks on my body, not suitcases full of clothes and god knows what.

"Thank you so much, Ethan!" she smiled and gave me a hug. I could smell the fragrance on her as it traveled inside my nose while I hugged her back.

"No problem Kaylyn! Well I gotta go, so I'll see you around?" I asked releasing the hug and slowly backing out.

"Yeah, for sure. Bye Ethan!" she waved as I completely turned around, closed the door and left.

I barely know Kaylyn, but I for sure want to get to know her a lot better...

•• Kaylyn's POV ••

I closed the door to the condo and completely disregarded how it looked right now.  All I cared about was the incredibly attractive Ethan that I just met and want to get to know more. And he only lives one floor above me.

California is gonna be fun...

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