Chapter 2 - Who Are You?

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Author's Note;

I haven't been on wattpad for 5 months! Can you believe it? I'm sorry if you wanted me to update this long ago... I just lost interest, I guess. BUT I'M BACK.


Tara's POV

The beautiful she-wolf was crouched down, tail low, stalking a vole amongst the growing-sparse undergrowth. She grinned, licking her lips as she gained distance. The vole was now only 5 tail-lengths away.

An easy catch, she thought triumphantly. Her tail flicked ever so slightly as she wiggled her rump, ready to spring, when a strange scent hit her nostrils. She shook it away and sprung at the vole - suddenly, a male wolf leapt out of the bushes, seemingly towards the vole as well, and Tara crashed head-first into him.

She grunted as she fell to the ground with a thump. However, despite being fazed and confused, she jumped to her paws and turned on the male. She couldn't help but admire his slick, tidy coat and long, muscular legs - he was handsome, that was for sure. When he opened his eyes hers narrowed, but once again couldn't help admire his electric blue iris.

"Who are you?" She snarled, the loss of her catch infuriating her.

"I could ask you the same question," The wolf replied, seeming equally as disappointed and frustrated as herself. He stood up and shook his fur out, a lone ray of sunlight shining on his gorgeous brown and white coat.

"I am Tara, princess of the Sky Kingdom. And you?" She puffed out her chest, confident that he would be surprised and run back to wherever he came from. He was obviously not from the Sky Kingdom, as he had no wings.

Lyall's POV

The handsome young male gazed at the she-wolf before him. She was beautiful and had the most elegant wings he had ever come across - they were large and white, matching her pale grey and white fur.

When she announced that she was the princess of the Sky Kingdom, his eyes widened, but only slightly. He had lost some of his frustration and was now feeling much more calm, yet still on his guard.

"I am Prince Lyall of the Water Kingdom," He replied, his tail flicking. "What are you doing in Water Kingdom territory?"

Tara gasped. "I am not in your territory! You are in mine. The border is about twenty tail-lengths away."

Lyall looked behind him and had to admit that she was right - he had obviously crossed over while hunting the vole. "Oh, I am terribly sorry. I was chasing a vole, and obviously it ran over to your side of the territory."

Tara's POV

She huffed. "Obviously." She had always thought that the prince had been a stuck-up brute, however she was beginning to rethink that. I've never really met him before...

The two stood in a somewhat awkward silence until at last, Lyall broke it by saying, "Well... how about I help you catch another vole? It's my fault that you lost it, after all."

Tara was taken aback. Help me catch another vole? I would almost call him a lyar, yet he seems so innocent... Maybe I'll trust him.

"Well, I guess, if you want to. Actually, I don't need help. I can catch prey on my own!"

Lyall sighed, though looked slightly amused. "Alright. I figure I won't be seeing you any time soon?"

Tara was disappointed with the fact that he was leaving, even though it was her who was sending him away. "I guess so... unless... you want to meet up sometime? To hunt. For our kingdoms."

Lyall seemed pretty satisfied with her offer. "When?" He replied simply.

"Maybe tonight? It's a full moon tomorrow, so we can't do it then."

"Alright. I'll see you tonight. But you can not speak of this to anyone."

"I know. My parents would kill me if they found out, being the king and queen."

"I know how you feel." He smiled slightly, and she did the same in return. He was different to how she thought he would be, much different. She was glad that she would see him tonight.

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