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Hello. It's me. So it's been approx eight years since I've written. This is partly because of my laziness, and partly because I felt as if no one was enjoying what I was putting out. Having coming back to quite a few comments prodding for another chapter, I've decided to return.

Jordan's POV

At around twelve PM, my eyes fluttered to the sight of a well-decorated bedroom. Having fallen into an extremely deep sleep, I had short-term amnesia or some shit, but then I recalled last night's previous events. Damn.

While attempting to hold back tears, my senses were greeted by the smell of coffee drifting from the kitchen. Of course.
I knew that if I didn't get up now, I wouldn't get up until five, so I eventually dragged myself out of Connor's fluffy bed.

Opening the bedroom door, I was greeted by not only the smell of coffee, but also by a bright smile. Connor's hair was messy, his eyes gleaming green with a hint of sleep, and to top it off, he was wearing sweatpants and a black T-shirt.

Connor looked at me and gestured toward two full plates resting on the wooden table.

"Connor! I am flattered by your gesture!" I said, pressing my hand to my heart, flashing an exaggerated look.

"I'm here to serve you, you little hotti-erm," Connor stuttered, "erm.. queen. I'm here to serve you, my queen," Connor eventually spat, redness filling his cheeks.

We ate our breakfast, exchanging small talk while doing so. After I was done eating, Connor wearily asked me a question.

"So.. I know that we haven't spoken about this in a while, but do you remember that...uh...time we...uhh..," Connor trailed off.

"Kissed?" I finished for Connor.

"Well..yes," Connor finally spat.

"What about it?" I asked, my voice shaking with obvious anxiety.

"I think that we'd both be lying if we said that there wasn't something there. I know that a relationship is probably the last thing you want right know, but I can't put my feelings aside anymore." Connor finally said, his voice cracking.

I considered Connor's statement for a moment. A million thoughts must have rushed through my mind at that moment. While my life was in a mess at that moment, I agreed with Connor. I couldn't ignore my feelings either.

"Connor. I feel the exact same way as you do. However, my life is in such a mess right now. I don't think that fully committing to a relationship would be in my best interests. I like you, Connor, I really do. I just don't want to see you get hurt if something bad happens that will take all of my emotions out of me. It's happened before, and I don't want you to be in the midst of my emotional battlefield.

At this point, tears were beginning to build up in Connor's eyes. He respected Jordan's decision, however.

"I completely understand. I care for you, Jordan, and I don't want to rush you into something that you're not ready for. I refuse to let you brush me off, though. I am going to be here for you no matter what. I will always be your rock. Call me your best, best friend/guardian angel," Connor finished, a wide grin on his face, eyes shining like the ocean.

Connor's POV

That night, I had blown up an air mattress for myself so that I wouldn't have to sleep on the couch. I basically had to force Jordan to sleep in my bed. He wants the best for me and I want the best for him, I suppose.

As I lie on the puffy mattress, I began to think about Jordan and the impact he's made on my life in such a short span of time. Though he is not ready to move into a committed relationship at the moment, I will always be by his side, boyfriend or not.

The thought of being by Jordan's side alone makes me feel like I am on cloud nine. I need Jordan, and Jordan needs me.

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