4. Learning their Names

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"Good afternoon everyone and welcome"

Amanda and I stand in a group of a few other volunteers, being introduced to one of the coordinators and each other. From what I see there is an older couple but the rest are like me around early twenties. We're in a small town but the conditions are already decreasing and the fauna and flora changing.

"So hop in and let's get going then shall we, " the young man says, shit I didn't catch his name.

"Great more car trips" Amanda's paling face showing her limited tolerance of traveling in buses. With a pat on the back she follow me into the small van.

We'd been waiting a few minutes and everyone on board was buckled in ready to go but the van was yet to move.

Someone from the back piped up "Uh Liam, just wondering what are we waiting for?"

Yes, Liam that was the coordinator's name. The front passenger seat opens before Liam answers; a brown mop of messy hair enters.

"That would be me" he explains confidently. Wait, surely that is the voice of the man from the bus before.

"Louis how are ya?" Liam greets him.

"Couldn't be better, nice group of specimen you've rounded up" Louis retorts.
With that were on a dirt road headed for the village. After thirty minutes of bumps and distracting Amanda from her light-headedness we arrive.

"Oh thank the lord fresh air" Amanda sighs in relief leaping out of the van.

"Plenty more where that came from" Liam adds.

The group gathers around with their luggage in hand as we all follow behind Liam.

"This is where you'll be sleeping," he explains.

Mutters of "yes", "finally", and "at last" are shared around as we all lay on our beds. Amanda and I take the beds at the far end of the room, only to realize the beds are not actually comfortable and groan in disappointment.

"Don't fret, they'll feel like clouds when you're actually tired and worked hard" Louis' voice chirps in.

It really is quite beautiful out here, the village sits in the foot hills. I tried not to imagine what it was like before we got here to avoid expectations, and boy am I glad I didn't because I never could have imagined a place like this. It's secluded and calm with only the sound of locals talking and the light wind running through the three branches. As the late afternoon sun prepares to settle for the evening the village has a deep orange filter-like effect that makes it so intriguing, I wish I hadn't left my camera in the dorm room.

Louis leads us through the areas where we'll eat and spend time in and ends at a higher point of the village, not to far from a narrow path.

"That is the path to the new enclosure site, but it is getting too dark to go there today" says Liam.

"Okay folks, I've got to run this place so run along to dinner. I'll see you soon enough. Respect everyone and behave." Louis dismisses him self.

"So will the buffet be awaiting us then won't it Liam" the man from the older couple jokes.

"All you can eat rice every night." Liam laughs back at the receding hair lined-man.

The food was made by the village women and they did a good job because no one is talking until were finished. The sound of clattering of forks and knifes against plates has come to a cease.

"Robert where are your manners!" the old mans wife scolds him for the loud belch he lets out as he finishes his meal, but the rest of us just burst into laugher.

"Well excuse me Margret," He says to her smiling.

"That's alright I'm surprised Amelia hasn't let one out yet considering how she wolfed that down!" Amanda jokes.

"Wait sorry I've mixed you two up, if she's Amelia, remind me your name" Liam seeks clarity on our double 'A' names.

"Oh yea nah I'm Amanda, and she is Amelia" Amanda explains.

"Ah I see, I see, forgive me in advance if I mix them up" Liam apologizes.

"Chances are I'll mix up you and L-l-l um you know, what's his name" I pipe up admitting my potential confusion.

"No worries then you two will be double A and Louis and I, that's his name just for the record, are double L"

"Deal, no worries" I approve of the nicknames for our friendships.

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