To the Fair.

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I've been a fan of this writer since their Quizilla days. (:


My mind was still buzzing with activity. The clock displayed the current time, one forty five a.m, as I looked on at it whilst laying on my bed.

I couldn't stop my mind from thinking. Couldn't take a break from my thoughts. What Brent had told me a few hours earlier as we sat in that diner wouldn't stop repeating in my head. And from whatever angle I looked at, there wasn't any solid solution to my best friends' problem.

Once again, the memory started replaying itself on a loop.

Brent turned back around to face me after a couple of minutes of gazing out the window. He then gave a sigh and ruffled his hair.

I looked on at his agitated self. Finally, he opened his mouth to talk.

And it was at that moment that our food arrived. I was majorly stumped by the aweful timing. But soon, we dug in. The food was amazing and I forgave it for interrupting us.

"My parents found a girl and want me to get married within a year." Brent randomly spoke just as I took an enormous bite of my burger.

"Whaaaaa?" was the response he got from me. I held up my finger at his peeved look and quickly chewed and swallowed the food.

"What? Why? They can't just randomly decide to do that!" I got out all in one breath.

Brent just shook his head.

"Rosie, it's not sudden at all. Remember when we were home for the summer? And I was in a prissy mood for a week or so, it's because me and my parents had an argument about this very thing."

"But you're still in university. You still have two years till you get a degree, to establish yourself into your chosen profession. What's the rush?" I asked, still baffled.

"It isn't sudden. Look Rosie, I haven't been upfront with you about this particular thing. You see, before I started uni, my parents sorta gave me an ultimatum. It was either that I do well in university and get a good GPA in the first two years, or they'll marry me to a girl of their choice an I'd have to take over dad's business." he explained.

I sat gawping at the man seated in front of me. "Whoa" was the stupid response I gave him eventually.

Brent shook his head in dejection and picked up a chip off his plate, swirling it in ketchup.

"I tried. God knows I did. But the pre-requesits this semester effed up my GPA real bad. And my parents aren't happy with that at all. Plus I had been partying alot and those damn magazines covered a couple of my trips. Dad isn't too happy about that either. You know how I'm supposed to be the model child. The poster kid for my parent's reputation and the family business." he ranted.

I pat his hand in a comforting gesture. He looked up at me with glassy eyes. My heart went out to him. His father was a successful businessman and owned a company that had been in the family for a few generations.

Brent was the oldest child and had been expected to become a businessman just like his father and forefathers but he had rebelled and wanted to do journalism. His mum was supportive of his dream and had persuaded his father. But now, it seems there had been a catch.

After that discussion, I had started cracking some lame ass jokes in an attempt to cheer up Brenty. Four or five cringe-worthy puns in, he had cracked up and we spent the rest of the half an hour googling and trying to out do the other with our hilarity.

Brent had then dropped me home with a thump on the back and a good ol' ruffle of the hair. Hmph!

I turned once again in an attempt to get some sleep. It was now five past two in the morning. Finally sick of my thoughts, I put in my earphones and played one of my night time playlists. Thankfully, I soon felt myself slip into the alternate world of dreams.


The next morning, I woke up to a bang from outside the door. I shot up in bed. My tangled earphones fell to the wooden floor with a clatter. Rubbing my eyes and and looking at my digital clock, I found the time to be a moderate ten forty.

Slipping out of bed, a shiver wracked through me as I made my way to the ensuite. Once I got done with my morning routine, I made my way outside and into the kitchen for some nutritious breakfast. As soon as I opened my door, I was greeted by loud laughter.

On reaching the TV lounge, I saw all my friends gathered around the flat screen TV. They were playing Call of Duty. Max and Dennis, Alex's boyfriend had the controllers while Brent seem to egg them on against each other. Meanwhile, Alex was sprawled on the couch and Hayden was sitting on the bean bag, phone in hand.

Once they saw me, they all took turns greeting me before redirecting their attentions to the tasks at hand. Walking into the kitchen, I fixed myself a bowl of coco puffs and made my way back to the TV lounge. Taking a seat on the floor next to Hayden's feet, I proceeded to eat.

"What are you hooligans doing here so early?" I asked them.

In response to my question, I got shushed by Dennis and Max simultaneously and Brent just chuckled at my disgruntled look. Glad to see he's in a better mood at least. I looked to Alex for an answer only to see her dozing off. That girl sleeps too much.

Hayden decided to take pity on me and anwered for the band of hooligans, "We thought it's the second week of holidays and we should go visit the county fair today before everyone leaves for their homes for christmas."

The fair is setup every season an hours drive away from our town. I agreed to the plan and quickly finished my cereal. After telling them to wait half an hour, I went into my bedroom and took out a fresh change of clothes.

Once satisfied with my choice, I made haste and showered. I got ready within thirty minutes. A great feat this early in the morning.

After I announced my ready state to the lot, we quickly assembled ourselves and divided into three groups. Since Max had given a ride to Hayden on the way here, they decided to take Max's car.

On the other hand, me, Alex and Dennis would be riding in Brenty's spacious Escalade. Dennis lived in an apartment a block away from us and did not drive himself.

We sorted ourselves and got into the cars. And soon, we pulled away from my apartment building. On the way, we decided to stop and a gas station and stock up on junk foods for the drive there.

After a short argument between me and Brent's choice of candy, I wanted skittles, he wanted mnms, we were off. We jammed to pop songs on the way and I couldn't help but enjoy basking in the lovely scenery and the happiness of being surrounded by my friends.

ɪ know, ɪ know. two chɑpters ɑnd no mɪkɑel. ɪ mɪss hɪm just ɑs much ɑs you do. but feɑr not, he shɑll mɑke ɑn entry very soon. ;)

votes, comments and follows would be greatly appreciated. spread the word and share the story. it would make my day.
as always,

sam. x

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