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I had to film today so that meant I had to wake up around 5:00 in the morning, which means I'm not in the best of moods, that means I hate when people yell in my ear in the morning. But see, no one did that morning which was weird. Usually at least Michael would yell something about how flawless I look in the morning, usually receiving a dirty look from Calum, which I never understood. I don't even know what I'm thinking anymore, I'm so dead tired.
"Hi" I hear a raspy voice behind me.
I turn around it see, oh my gosh, Calum hood in the early morning, with his messy hair and his raspy voice and him just looking so hot in the morning and just. AHHH. Ok this is what I imagined in my teenage years but I didn't know it would be 10 times better.
"Hi" I manage to squeak out. "Why are you up so early, Calum?"
"Well, we are kind of "boyfriend and girlfriend" he says whilst putting quotation marks around boyfriend and girlfriend, "And boyfriend has to take girlfriend to work."
"Haha Calum, seriously, no paps are going to be awake at 5 in the morning just to take a picture of how boyfriend takes girlfriend to work." I say.
"But I want to take you to work." He says quietly, hoping i wouldn't hear him.
"Well umm ok, I'll just finish my coffee and we'll go, k?"
"Yeah sure. I'll just get the car ready" he says, walking out of the kitchen.
{let's pretend Calum can drive}

"So, how come you don't have to go everyday to film, like only some days you go?" He asks while he's driving.
"Well, our director isn't exactly the best director in the world so we don't have the set built for every scene yet and say we have to film a scene but the set isn't ready yet, and we can't film the scene. So yeah, we have to wait till it's ready."
"Oh wow, but like why wouldn't you then just film the scenes that are supposed to be in the sets that are already made?"
"I seriously don't know. I even asked the director that but he said something about not ready to film and not emotionally ready for it, so I just kinda have to live with that."
He nods his head as if to say he understood and we keep driving in silence.
"Oh I forgot to tell you, Brian told me that we'd have to go to clubs and parties together, so I was wondering if you wanted to go clubbing tonight?"
"Well I kinda try to stay away from drinking and stuff but like I'd be happy to go to a party."
"Yeah totally. My friend is actually having his birthday party today, we could go there if you want to."
"Who's birthday?" I ask.
"Umm do you know who Niall Horan is?"
"From one direction?"
"Yeah. The Irish one."
"Haha yeah, I know who he is."
"Ok well cool, we'll go there then, is that ok?"
He asks stopping the car because we're already at set.
"Sure. Will you pick me up or?"
"Yeah, I'll pick you up, we'll go eat at someplace and then get ready for the party."
"Okay, see you later" I say stepping out of the car.
"That's a wrap for today. Thanks everyone for working hard today, see you tomorrow!" Our director says. I quickly go to my makeup artist so she will remove my makeup and then head outside.
Calum's standing there already. He looks so good with his really nice ride and then his jeans with a leather jacket and his nice shades. Like dude, plz stop.
"Hey," he says and then leans in to kiss me. He gives me a soft kiss on the lips and I'm just standing there like, what the heck, Calum? And then I see the paps standing everywhere. Well that explains a lot. But still, he kissed me. Umm well I didn't expect my first kiss with Calum hood to be like that but I won't count that as a kiss because no, it doesn't happen like that. I probably still look really stunned so he just chuckles and opens the door for me to get in. Oops, he probably thinks I'm the weirdest person in the world.
"Sorry I did that. I thought you'd be fine with that since we are supposed to be dating." He says, starting the car.
"I'm totally fine. I-I'm sorry I didn't say anything, I just wasn't expecting that." I say nervously chuckling.
"Ok I promise, no more surprise kisses." He says putting one hand up as if to promise.
"Hah ok."
We stop by Starbucks to get a sandwich and some coffee. Paps are everywhere still, snapping pictures of us together.
We decided to go home and get ready for the party.
When we come home, all the boys are seated on the couch playing video games.
"Hey guys." I say.
"Hi" they reply at the same time.
"We're going to Niall's birthday party. If you want to come then get dressed." Calum says.
They just nod because I'm pretty sure they're more interested in the game than Niall's birthday party.
An hour later, Calum yells from downstairs,
"Jane, we need to head out now."
"Ok. I'm coming!" I take a good look at myself into the mirror. I wore a black dress with stripes that ended right about a foot above my foot, it was very tight and showed all my curves that I barely had (amirate ladies?) and it was a bit dressy so I added a leather jacket on top of it. For accessories I wore a choker necklace and my bag was from Chanel, it was hanging on my right shoulder And it was black. My shoes were these black high heels that had a very thick high heel and high padding. All the boys decided to go and they weren't very dressed up. Mostly black. Calum studied my outfit choice,
"You look great." He said.
"Thanks, y'all do too." I say." Let's go?"
They nod and we head into the car.
As we pull into the street where nialls house is located, we can already hear the party. It seems really loud and partyish. When we come inside, we're met by two ladies that seem like they're working as waiters at the party.
"Hi. We're so glad you came. Feel free to have fun." One of the waiters said. They seemed like they repeated that phrase 100 times.
We decided to make our way outside where there was a pool and many people partying.
"I'm gonna go say hi to Niall!" Michael yelled in my ear.
"ME TOO!" Luke and Ashton yelled.
"HOW BOUT WE ALL GO?" Calum yelled.
We all agreed. Niall was standing/dancing with a bunch of girls when we came up to him.
"Hey mate. Happy birthday." Luke said passing him the present we got him.
"Thanks guys. So glad to have you here. Who's this?" He asked pointing at me.
"This is my girlfriend, Jane." Calum said very loudly so if any body else was wondering, they'd know. The boys looked very shocked including Niall.
Niall stared at me from top to bottom.
"Cool dude. Hi, I'm Niall." He says stretching out his hand.
"Hi, nice to meet you." I shake his hand back.
"Excuse us, we have to talk in private." Michael, Luke, and Ashton say, probably expecting an explanation.
We walk into a room that's empty.
"I'm gonna need some kind of explanation." Michael says, staring at me and Calum.
"Well, we decided to start dating. That's all." Calum said. I'm guessing he doesn't want to mention that it's fake.
"And when were you planning on telling us?" Luke asked.
"Soon?" I kinda answered.
"Ok. Well we're gonna need some more information when we get back home." Ashton said.
Calum nodded in agreement. The boys stood up and left.
"That's unlikely that we're gonna talk about it at home" he said.
"Because they're gonna be too drunk to care."
We step outside to where the pool was. There were so many people, I didn't even know this many people could fit into one place.
"Do you want a drink?" Calum asked.
"Sure. Just non-alcoholic"
"Sure." And then he disappeared to get me a drink.
I was just standing there, staring at people dance, when Louis Tomlinson came up to me.
"Hey love." He said stroking my hair.
"Umm hi." I said dodging his hand that was about to touch my neck.
"What's your name baby girl?" He said smirking at me.
This guys just thinks he's so Amazingly hot.
He's not.
"My name isn't baby girl, and you need to understand that you're not a freakin god on this earth. Ok? Thank you." I say and walk off.
Ugh I'm so annoyed right now. I hate when guys think they're so special, when they're not. And plus, I have a boyfriend, who's name is-
Calum wa- was going into a room with another girl.
Ok. I'm not going to panic and get mad at him if I don't even know why he went in there. I decided to follow them. They left the door a bit open so I could hear exactly what was going on.
"New girlfriend huh?" The girl said. She had  blonde hair and a short skirt, and a bikini top.
"Well sort of." Calum said.
Umm ok.
"She's not exactly a girlfriend, she's somebody that's gonna make me more popular." He said.
"Oh so I can do this?" The girl said and the started kissing Calum on the lips.
"Yes." He said.
Well ok. I mean like what he said was true. We weren't dating. And yeah, that girl had full right to kiss him. But like dude, somebody could see him. Some kind of paparazzi could see him and it would blow everything over. Well I decided not to say anything because like it's gonna be his fault when Brian finds out. I mean, I am really sad about it because I mean Calum is like my biggest crush but I knew not to put my heart into something that I knew wasn't mine.
I left them kissing and went to my car and drove home. When I opened the door to my house, everything actually dawned on me. Like a very heavy weight was just thrown on my shoulders. I realized what had just happened. And I broke down and started crying.
And kept crying until everything became black. I heard some one come in through the front door.
But nobody picked me up.
Nobody cared.

Ok moment of silence for Jane. Ugh Calum. And IM SO SORRY FOR NOT WRITING FOR LIKE A MONTH SO THATS WHY THIS CHAPTER WAS REALLY LONG AND STUFF BECAUSE I WANTED TO SAY SORRY. PLEASE RECEIVE MY APOLOGY!! But I kinda left you sad didn't I? Ok this chapter made me sad okay? I guess it's because I was listening to goner by tøp but oh well.
P.S. I started writing another story so y'all should check it out. It's called
"Rich much?" Hope y'all enjoy.
Love you! 💜

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