Chapter 1

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Hiiya!!! New story and let me tell you, it's not pink and rainbows. Tears will fall chapters after chapters.


Chapter 1

"Once upon a time, a she-wolf name Anastasia was ordered, by her evil uncle, to never go outside the castle. She always wanted to visit the world and find her mate.

One night, she made a wish to break the order and it came true. She was walking in the forest when suddenly a crack was heard. She panicked and ran the fastest her little legs could. Out of no where, a big black wolf arrives and kill the big brown wolf who was attacking her. Both of them changes and the one laying on the floor was her uncle. Then the most magnificent man comes out from a tree and then he comes to her to give her the sweetest but yet the most passionate kiss. He saved her life and she save his by being in his life"

"What happens next?" little Abby asks.

"Well they marry, have a lot of babies and live happily ever after" All the sundays of the year, I visit all the kids of the pack house and I usually tell them stories about mates. My mom use to tell me one every night. Well , If you read right, I said use to. She died in a car crash when I was 8.

"Tell us another one. Please? " Ginger asks and everybody joins by squealing.

"Sorry guys but I have to go prepare dinner or you'll all have nothing to eat". They gave me all a big hug and I left. The kitchen was fill of maid but I still help them every night.

"Hi Maria!" I say joyfully. I took a carrot and start chopping in to small pieces while humming.

"What bite you to make you that happy?" Annie asks.

"I don't know. Maybe because tomorrow is my birthday" I say, a smirk plastered on my face.

"Omg, I have to bake a cake for you. Which flavor? Red velvet, your favorite, duh. How old are you going to be sweetheart?" Martha, the best baker ever, asks.

"Eighteen" I answer.

" Oh my, my dear you'll finally find your mate". Mates are the best thing ever in the world. When you're in each others arms, you feel safe and loved. I've been waiting for mine since forever. For once I'll feel complete.

We finished cooking by 7'o clock and everybody aet, happy of their meal. I was about to leave when Matt, the yougest son of the alpha, asks me where I was going.

"I'm going home little buddy"

"Can you tell me a story first." he asks and I nod. Who can say no to his cute puppy eyes?

I talked about a wolf going all ariund the world to find his mate, then Matt asks me a questio that stunned me.

"Who do you want as your mate?"

"I don't know but I want him to be kind and genuine. Cute yet lovable. Someone who'll pass thru everything to win my heart. That will try to make me feel better when I'm low. That will tease me and make some funny jokes. And someone who looks just like you" I finish by tickeling him.

"Okay buddy you have to sleep. You have school tomorrow" I kiss his forhead and leave. This little 7 years old boy is my little angel. His parents and his big brother are always occupied so I keep him.

I go in the car and I soon arrive at home. My dad being the beta, he's kind if never here and my brother is usually at a girl's house making out or partying. He's a player but not THE player. This title is for Cameron King, soon to be alpha. He kiss every walking STD every seconds of his life or mostly sleeps with them. Let's face this, he's a player/ heartbreaker.

I arrive at home at the second my head touch the pillow, I drift ingo my dream.

······Next Day······


I wake up feeling light as a feather. I do all my essential and now I'm standing in front of my closet. It's been 15 minutes and I still don't know what to wear. I need something to amazed my mate but I still don't want to be messed up in the group of whore.

When I'm done, I stand infront of the mirror. It reflect me wearing a blue shirt with a paire of white shorts. While I was putting some mascara, I see my brother leaning on the doorway.

"Oh la la. My little sister is making herself pretty for someone" he says while taking a bite of his sandwich at the end.

"First, I'm only younger by 6 months. Second, I'm ready to find my mate so he'll be able to take me away from you"

"I know you love me"

"What makes you think that?" I snort.

"Well, this..." he takes a little box from his pocket. Then, I realized what hides in this.

"OMG! You didn't" I scream and run to get it. I open and find a bracelet with a music note. I always wanted one since I saw it. Then I see it's not the only thing in the box. There, was a necklace in a form of a heart. I open it and see, on the right side, a picture of us, of the whole family. Plus, 'I love you' was written on the left side.

"I love you too, Tommy" I whisper while I give him a hug.

"Let's go. Don't want to make your mate impatient"


Whatcha think!!!!




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