Chapter 10: Laughing, Sleepovers, and Research

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Allison's POV:

When Scott left, I told my parents I was spending the night at Tiffany's house. They didn't mind because they adored Tiffany!

   Anyway the report on Tiffany: Her puking and couphing up blood stopped after an hour of me being here, and she is not as pale as a ghost. Thank GOD; literally. Haha see what I did there

   "You should've seen me here earlier. I don't know how Stiles dealt with me; I was literally abusing him, but it wasn't on purpose, it was like shifting hormones or something. Plus, I puked about 9 buckets of watery vomit," she said, laughing.

     "On the bright side, you look skinny," I said. She looked at herself in the mirrors and saw that her body was a definite improvent from earlier. Like a goddess body. 'Lucky angel stuff!!' I thought with jealousy. 

     "Can you show me the wings, I want to see how it looks on you," I said. "Let me concentrate though. This is all so new to me; its kind of like supernatural puberty," she chuckled. I let out a little giggle and watched as her eyes furrowed together. Beautiful pure white wings expanded after a couple minutes and she opened her eyes."Are they there?" she asked. "Yep. Look," I said, directing her to a mirror.


    "Do you want me to tell you something funny?" I questioned. She nodded her head eagerly. "Earlier today, Stiles tried to touch your wings, and he went flying across the room," I said, stifling a giggle. She on the otherhand, was laughing so hard, she was rolling across the floor, her wings folding back into nothing.

     Her tears were rolling down her blotchy face. "I can see it now.. Oh my gosh.... That's so.... funny..... I ...............can't.........................breathe," she said, laughing even more.

Tiffany's POV:

     Allison and I wanted to get some supernatural studying going on so we know whats happening with me. We found out about the levels of angels. There are cupids; who are basically the lowest level of angels. The regular angels are in a way 2nd class and the highest level of angels are anarchy angels. Did you know that they are the only angels who have witnessed God; the other angels base it off of faith.

     We all are equipped with power, but it could be taken away if we stay on earth. Some are fallen angles who have committed crimes, or came down willingly. Only a lucky few of regular and angels could keep their powers. I was one of the lucky few. 

      When you get sent down to earth, you have no recollection of heaven; like your memory is stolen... or erased.

     Fallen angels are in simple terms of angels who rebel against God and get cast down to heaven as a punishment. Your wings can turn from white (regular angels; iridescent for cupids; and metallics for archangels) to the color black and you are stripped of all powers no matter what.

     "Heres the abilities: Superhuman senses; telekinesis; teleportation. They can teleport anywhere in the world not protected by sigils. Angels are able to teleport humans, but could be extremely uncomfortable," she said.

     I continued reading, "Angels are allowed to become invisible or reduce their solid form to spiritual form. These "Perfect creations" can sedate any creature, kill or use excorcism for demons, or even use telepathy, such as: dream walking or mentally communicating with angels. If the angels is powerful enough, they can use telepathy with humans. You may also use voice mimicry of anyone you desire."

     Allison read the last part, "Archangels have all abilities and common ones are enhanced. Their special abilities are: Memory manipulation; other forms of telekinesis; weather manipulation; inflicting harm; and a destructive white light thta can destroy all other angels in a room."

      "Dang thats a lot......The ways to kill an angel," I said, then slammed the laptop closed. "I don't think I need to know about that," I commented, "nor do I want to."


     After studying we decided to pick our outfits tomorrow. I decided on light wash, high-waisted pants, a white v neck and a green jacket with black leather sleeves. Allison paired  it with a black beanie, white vans, and a leaf ring.

          Unfortunately, Allison said she had to take care of some things so she had to leave to run the errand. 'Yay. Now I can turn my music real loud and sing horribly!!!!! I love doing that.' I thought.


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