Chapter One

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Authors Note: So i was able to find a face for miss fabulous Zoe Danner! :) I hope you enjoy this chapter, alot of things happen.

Zoe P.O.V

Just a normal day for Xavier Evan Levi, Mr. Popularity. He was the top of the food chain. He loved the rush he got when he did these dares, or bets. I think that he got popular like that, once upon ago we used to be friends. I knew him like the back of my hand. Not anymore this was the worst thing that became of him. He use to be nerdy and dorky but one day him and his brother left to some summer camp. I guess they got really popular and they wanted it to stay like that. So when their friends came over and i was there, i got nasty looks. I was the girl with the fringe and dark clothes.

Here is when it went down the wrong hill. They told me to get out and that me never to talk to them again. They called me names and i was just upset with myself. I always asked what i had done to deserve this, I looked after them when they were sick. One day we were just sitting and watching tv and then the next i was the outcast. Since then they tortured me and just made me feel horrible. In the beginning i went along with what they were doing, but i began to think that these thing were true. I went to my own little word where i was a smart kid in school but i was a disaster everywhere else. I hated myself and that's when i started to hate people. I knew that this was the worst thing when i felt like this, i should be with people. I choose the stupid route to hide my emotions and do stupid things.

So let me introduce the other twin, Dilan Ethan Levi. He was and still is a kind hearted soul. I mean underneath all that bullshit that his brother dragged him into. Dilan was my best friend so when him and his brother said those things to me i was truly heart broken. But i don't give one flying monkey. I use to think that he was a role model once. My god was that a long time ago, because every time i see him all i see is disgust. He use to be such a good person, but who am i to judge. I smoke, drink and do other things. I just don't think that any of this would have happened if they said any of those things.

So today was the normal day of getting pushed into a locker. i just ignored them and thought the day was over. I was in the middle to walking to my locker, when i saw Xavier in the hallway talking to someone. This was weird because he kept looking at me with sad eyes. No way in hell was i going to be apart of some stupid bet. He could give me a million dollars and i still wouldn't do it. I hated him with a passion that grows everyday. I opened my locker and shoved everything inside and grabbed my wallet. i slammed my locker shut since they were just shitty lockers.

I walked away from the locker and was just about to get to the doors when i heard my name being shouted. I turn my head and yep it was the one person that i hated with all my guts. Why cant he just leave me alone?

"Zoe, hold up!"

No way in hell was i going to wait for him. I pushed the doors open and basically ran to my car. I got to the side of my car but i dropped my keys. Of course. I went to pick them up but Xavier beat me to it.

"Give me my keys back." I growled. I may seem nice when you look at me but when it come to its moments, i can be a real bitch.

"Why did you run to your car?"

"If you hadn't notice you were coming to talk me about a bet. And do not lie that you weren't. I don't want to help you with it, i don't want to take part in it. i don't want you to talk to me, touch me, look at me, or even get near me. We are not friends and it should stay that way. I wouldn't want to break that promise that i made 4 years ago." I grabbed to keys out of him hand and got into my car. I would not let him win. I was going this time and he was going to lose.

Dilan P.O.V

I stood leaning against the car beside Zoe's car. I watched my brother get his ass handed to him by one of our old friends. I tried not to laugh. She went off about things 4 years ago. I think that he deserved it. Xavier turned to me and a smirk spread on his face. Hold on, i was not going to apart of this.

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