Chapter 2

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Zoe P.O.V

So I have been hanging out with Jasper for almost a month now and I was really starting to like him. There was two things that were really bothering me.

1- Dilan told me to stay away from him. Why?

2- The very passionate kiss I had shared with Dilan.

For some reason I just couldn't get those things out of my head.

I was heading out to catch a movie with Jasper but I needed to talk to Dilan. Mrs. Levi let me in and said that he was upstairs. I walked past Xavier's room, but stopped when I heard a very familiar voice.

"So tonight is set in motion? Operation brake Zoe's heart is ready."


"Jasper?" My voice was so soft. Tears were just pouring out of my eyes. Both of the boys looked up in shock. Jasper came towards me but I ran out of the house.

I bumped into someone on the way out. It was Dilan. I shoved past him and ran to my house. I locked myself in my room. I had a bottle of vodka and my pack of cigarettes. I blasted music. I heard shouts and knocks on my doors. I even saw someone out on the porch.

The last thing I remember was falling down, and seeing blood everywhere.

I woke up in the hospital bed. IV's were attached to me. I looked around and saw a nurse.

"Can I get some water?" I croaked.

"Yes." She walked out and I slowly lifted myself up. I looked at my body to notice I had pain in my abdomen. I lifted my night gown to see a rather large bandage across my abdomen.

I must have cut it when I fell. I was going to be in so much trouble. The nurse came back with my water and two frightened adults. My mother was 

crying and my father was trying to settle her down.

"Will you excuse us?" My father asked the nurse. She gave me a worried look and then left. My father was angry and I knew it.

"You have 3 weeks left of school and you are going to be spending them in bed. Summer you are going to get a job and be responsible. I know life is hard sweetheart but you really scared us. We love you and we are only doing this because we love you."

"I completely understand. I will get a job and I will become more responsible. Daddy can I still have my cigarettes?"

He sighed, "Yes but no more drinking."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

So for a few days I was stuck in the hospital. I had the nurses make sure that none of them came in here. I did not want to see any of them.

When I got back to my house, I was permitted on staying in bed. Which meant watching YouTube day and night, watching movies, and playing video games. It go pretty boring here and there but I got though it.

So I have this window where I can see across to the house next to mine. I can see right into Dilan's bedroom. I had a whiteboard and so did he. Back when we were best friends we use to stay up and talk to each other through walkie talkies, and our whiteboards. I looked around my room for the whiteboard. I found it by some old boxes in my closet, the walkie talkie was right next to it to. 

I sat on my chair that was next to my window. i buzzed the walkie talkie twice and then shined the light. I got a buzz and a light back, soon i saw Dilan pop up. i was actually really happy to see him. 

"Hey Zoey bear how you holden up?" The walkie talkie buzzed.

"Dilly im doing ok. i really wanted to talk to you."

"So did i. I think that i was thinking that i could come over and talk in person?"

"You can but make sure your quite and go to my balcony." He buzzed once to signal that he left. i soon heard him walking up the steps. I open my balcony doors and step out. 

"Take a seat." I said as i patted the space next to me. i had sat on the ground with my legs through the bars. I stared out to the dark ocean that looked like it went on forever. I felt his presence just standing there. i turned to look at him and he was just staring at me with a goofy grin. I stood up and looked at him funny. He started laughing and then made a funny face. 

It felt like old times. We use to do this stuff when we were younger. I stared at him with a smile on my face. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I was just admiring how good it felt to laugh and hangout with you." 

Dilan came closer to me and cupped my face.

"I will always be here for you. Always." He hugged me and i buried my face into his sweat shirt. 

"Well i really enjoyed hanging out with you, but i think that its time for bed. Good night Dilan." I walked into my room and waved good bye.

Tonight was great.

Dilan P.O.V

I walked back into the house and shut the door quietly. I walked up the stairs and into my room. I looked at the chair in my room which was occupied  Xavier. He was holding the walkie talkie in his hand. He looked sad and disappointed, i have never seen him like this. Xavier was...vulnerable.

"Where were you?"

"I was at Zoe's and why do you even care where i was?"

"Stay away from Zoe."

"What?" I said completely shocked.

"I said stay away for Zoe!" He had raised his voice and was standing. 



"No for once I'm not going to listen to you. I will do what i want. I love Zoe and i want to be with her. I don't care if you have a problem with that! For once you are not going to win! Just give up and accept that you lost the bet!"

"This has nothing to do with that stupid bet! I love Zoe and i could never tell her! She always wanted you! It was always you! You always had her i never did! Never! Even when i was there and you weren't, she would always talk about you! I was heartbroken! I have been in love with Zoe since the first time i saw her! That is why i did this bet! i wanted her to finally pick me! Not you! You always have to ruin it!"

Tears fell down Xavier's cheeks. I saw that he was gripping the walkie talkie still. 

"Xavier you love me?" A small voice cracked through the walkie talkie. We both looked over to the window to see that Zoe was standing there, tears were falling down her cheeks.


She disappeared and Xavier throw the walkie talkie. But what he didn't know was that she was coming over here. I could just see it in her face. I sighed, maybe i should just let my brother have her. 

There was a knock on the door and i looked at him.

"That's her. Xavier don't hurt her." I said and he ran out of the room.

Xavier P.O.V

 I ran down the stairs and jumped over the couch. I got to the door and opened. She jumped on me, her legs wrapped around my waist and her arms around my neck. My hands when to the bottom of her legs to hold her up. She stared into my eyes, before kissing me. 

Her lips were so soft and sweet. I loved the way they felt upon mine. When she pulled back she groaned. I looked down and saw blood seeping through her shirt. i walked over to the couch and set her down. 

"I think i shouldn't have jumped." She chuckled.

"Here let me help you and you can stay over if you want."

"I loved too." 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2013 ⏰

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