Happily Ever After ?

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Journey’s POV
Everything in my household was going great, and I was loving it. Cashmere and I just celebrated our fourth anniversary. Yeah, we finally tied the damn knot. My baby Jasmine is a Senior in high school. I was too damn happy for my baby girl; she was definitely growing up. Jahmir oh my baby boy was a freshman, and already a star basketball player. Lord I just pray that he isn’t bringing home a baby any time soon. Cause although it’s sad to say, girls in thr sixth and even fifth grade are having babies.

Now my twins are going on foir and look more like their damn daddy every single day. Cashmere’s ass had Caroline spoiled fucking rotten; she was definitely daddy’s little girl. Now between Cameron, and Cashmere Jr. I didn’t know who cried for my attention the most. Although Cameron wasn’t biologically mine, I loved him like he was. And as for myself I graduated college, and I’m now a therapist. And I also published my own autobiography which has made millions, thanks to my readers. Journey

Cashmere’s POV
It's been a long ass journey, literally. And I've done a lot of bullshit even manipulated my baby girl. When shorty left me it really opened my eyes. All five of my kids were doing better than ever. Lord knows I'm more than grateful for Journey stepping up to be a mother to Cameron, when she didn't have to. But, her soul was just that beautiful.

I've gotten closer to my pops, and even went looking for my mama. I put her ass right in rehab so that she coukd better for me, her grandkids, and most importantly herself. Until we all meet again, One Love Baby! Cashmere.

Chosen's POV
There was nothing in this world that I could love more than my son, and my husband. After I had that break down because I thought he was leaving me; turns out he was sitting in his car for over two hours. I know that I still could barely remember anything, but the love I had for Jahmoy was unconditional. That's one thing I did know for sure. Our son was now going on seven years old, and was looking like his father more and more everyday. I was also proud to say mommy's little man had started first grade.

Journey was still my girl, and although according to her we were closer than before. She would always be my hitta, and I would be the same for her. There was definitely no confusion about that, sisters for life! Well I'ma let my husband still the shine, and tend to my both of my men's needs'. Ya Girl , Chosen .

Jahmoy's POV
What's popping? Yeah, it's me y'all and I know that I then did a lot of fucking up. But, I changed on some real shit. Destiny was the last time I stepped out on my beautiful wife, and our son. That day I almost found myself leaving I really had to come to my senses. I missed my little man Jhaiden, and would continue to visit his grave. Shit happens for a reason and God called home another little Angel, that just so happened to be mine.

Incase my wife didn't tell y'all she was pregnant with triplets. And I was more than ready for my little girl and her two brother's to enter this world. My little man was lonely and excited about being a big brother. I was so inlove with Chosen and nothing would ever change that. No matter how many bitches throwed pussy at me, Chosen had my heart. Peace, Jahmoy.

Jasmine's POV
Hey it's me the adopted daughter of Cashmere and Journey. But, here I was seventeen years old and pregnant in high school. That's what I get for sleeping with L.J., the schools number one point guard. He manipulated me making me feel weak, and as if I wwere in love with him. Three months later I was talked out of my panties with my ass tooted up in the back of his Maserati.

I felt so dumb cause the next day at school my panties were being passed around by the whole basketball team. I had never been so hurt nor humiliated in my life. Now here I was in the Planned Parenthood Clinic, ready to have an abortion.

"Are you ready Jasmine?" My cousin Olivia asked me with tears in her eyes.


"Jasmine what the fuck you think you doing?" L.J.  busted through the room doors.

I looked at Olivia who had guilt all in her eyes; I just knew she bitched on me and told him. When I repeatedley asked her not to.


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