Start of something.. (Prince Imagine)

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A gentle breeze swept the hair out of your face as you stepped out of the school building. The place was pretty much deserted since you had stayed behind to finish some work. It was sunny so you pulled your shades out and put them on.

“Uhh!” You heard a thud followed by a groan, “Who the fuck do you think your talking to?” a deep voice growled, “Ayee afro puff finally grew some balls huh?” another voice commented. Being the curious person you were you followed the sound of the voices. “Soo, have you got any money to apologize?” You were now in sight of a group of boys your age, 3 of them surrounding 1 so he couldn’t escape. “Leave me alone” a voice spoke up from the middle. You stood there shocked as you noticed one of the boys was your ex, Damien. “Tut tut, what did I tell you about answering back?” he landed another punch across the boys face, then one to his stomach. Infuriated by the fact the other 2 boys just stood there laughing you stormed over. Once you reached the group you grabbed Damien’s shirt from behind and yanked him backwards. He turned around almost instantly and grabbed you by your shirt. The other 2 boys heads snapped around, “Ayee D, it’s ya girl”, “I am NOT his girl” you replied harshly through gritted teeth. He released you from his grip and smirked, “Oh hey baby” ;). The boy from the middle mumbled something which caused one of the other boys to elbow him in the stomach. You looked at the boy more closely. He had a huge afro, a pair of shades hanging off his face, and blood dripping down his cheek from where he was hit earlier. He seemed to dress differently too…but for some reason his choice of clothes just seemed to work. He seemed like the punk, rock, hippie type. “Hey!” You shouted shoving the guy back, “leave him alone!”. All 3 of the boys looked at each other then burst out laughing. You looked behind you to see the boy doubled over from the hit, with his head facing the floor. Damien tried to get at him again so you kneed him as hard as you could in the balls. It must of worked because he dropped to his knees wincing. “Leave him the fuck alone.”You repeated. You were now pissed off. You shot the other 2 boys glares and they put their hands up and helped Damien to stand up and walk. He looked up his eyes black from anger. “You are SO lucky you’re a girl (Y/N), or I would have fucked you up by now bitch.” You shot him a glare just as hate filled as his, “I’ve been called worse”, “Like what?”, “Your girlfriend, now move.” The boy behind you chuckled as Damien scowled and left with his ‘homeboys’. Eugh. How did I date that?

You turned around and kneeled down gathering up his books and putting them in his bag. You stood up, slung his bag on your shoulder, then went to help him stand up. “Are you..alright?” You asked, concerned by the fact he hadn’t spoke. He didn’t look up so you put your finger under his chin and lifted his face so you could see it. You took the shades off so you could see him more clearly. He was actual beautiful. His brown eyes stared into yours as the sun made them glisten. He cleared his throat, “Umm, why are you staring at me?” You snapped out of your daze and stepped back after realizing how close you were to his face. “Sorry….I’m (Y/N)” you smiled. “I-I’m Jacob” he smiled nervously. You put his arm around your shoulder and helped him home.

20mins later

“I’m sure your mum will be home soon so I’ll..err..go”.

“NO!” He stood up clutching his ribs and made his way over to you, “Err..errm..I mean..wait..uhh..” He kissed your cheek softly, his curls tickling your face, “Thank you” he smiled then looked down fumbling with his fingers. You blushed then hugged him softly so you wouldn’t hurt him, “Your welcome”. You grabbed a pen from your bag and grabbed his hand turning it the other way. His palm was soft and had no cuts on unlike his arms and face. You wrote your number onto it and left. He followed you to the door and waved you off. You waved back, smiled then walked down his street heading home. The sun beamed down on you and you smiled. This could be the start of something.

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