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Rose climed out of the taxi and ran towards the deep end of the woods. She ran until she saw the waterfall. Rose and her brother used to live near this waterfall.

"I should be happy to see you. However, I'm not." stated her brother Ronald.

"Nice to see you too. I thought you would understand why we got separated." Rose replied.

"All I understand is that you left me with that douche bag for a dad. You got to live your fairy tale life with mom while I suffered." he ranted.

"You want to know why I really left? I only came back to tell you that our precious mother is dead. No she didn't die from some life threatening disease. No. She was murdered. Someone killed our mother in our apartment. Last week. I couldn't sleep in the same house. I came back to tell looking for comfort but no. And guess who found her dead body. Me. So please drop the crap."

"Jesus Rose you think you're the only one who's going to be affected by this. Think of others sometimes."
"Are you fucking serious right now? Our mom just died. Whatever I don't even Cate anymore. You are a pathetic excuse of a brother and I'm tired of dealing with you. Now if you don't mind, I have to go plan my mother's funeral."

"Rosemary Elizabeth Edwards, don't you dare call yourself standing up to me"

"You know what Ron, you can go suck it." And with that I left him with his jaw touching the floor. I felt bad for leaving him but now I'd run back to New York tomorrow. After my mother's funeral I'm going back to out apartment and using my rainy day money to buy a house. I tried for Ron. If wants to be mad then he can let me go back home. New York is my new home.

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