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the days have been getting crossed off on the calendar one by one, so slowly that menda hadn't even realized how into taekwondo she was in. sometimes she'd hope someone on the streets would try to harass her, steal her money, assault her, whatever the case just so she can try some slick moves like a knee to the face. such a horrible thought, she knew, but spurring with the people at the dojo never did her any good, as she always feared she'd either get hurt, or hurt someone else.

she shook the crazy thoughts out of her mind as she was waiting for mei to come pick her up from the place right now. her bones ached and her clothes stuck to her sweaty skin. the humidity in the air only did nothing but make her feel suffocated.

from behind herself she could hear faint footsteps becoming louder and heavier towards her direction. menda wanted to spin around and grab the figure by the shoulders and scare them off before they could even try to pull something on her, but she didn't even try to glance back as she could probably hear hoseok's laugh from a mile away. so much for that knee to the face, she thought jokingly.

"what's so funny?" she asked him as he finally arrived to the right from menda.

the tips of his hair were wet from sweat, forming clumps of hair scattered around his head seeming as he just took a shower. the bright lights from in front of the building gave the illusion to his eyes as if they were glowing, lightening his tone of his stark structure. the hit of the light beam only made him look even more glorious as the wet stain in front of his chest made his clavicle look very defined.

hoseok never failed to show his pearly whites. "i was drinking some water and one of my hyungs texted me a funny picture of my other friend," hoseok laughed as he was just picturing the image in his head once again. "and i laughed while drinking water which is dangerous, because i choked and water spilled on my shirt," he managed to say as he broke in giggles once again tugging at his wet shirt and pulling it over his mouth.

menda grinned at him. if a moment can explain happiness, this would be it. he was like some happy virus and it made menda feel happy inside, like it was contagious.

he finished wiping tears from his eyes and looked out at the streets that were not very busy on a tuesday night.

"what're you doing out here?" he asked, eyeing her duffel bag.

"im waiting for my friend. she's suppose to come pick me up so she can spend the night at my house."

"sounds fun. i think im going to rest since ive been pretty busy lately." he putted in, gazing at the people walking by.

at the exact moment mei pulled in and swerved to the edge of the street, not bothering to park or turn off her vehicle.

mei came tumbling out due to the awkward pavement that was so badly formed by who knows what. at a distance menda could see mei furrowing her brows together from frustration and she let out a chuckle.

"well, i better run menda, see you." hoseok said as he pulled menda in for a hug, and began using his phone as he walked away.

but before he blended into the streets, hoseok and mei clashed into one another, the both of them so busy typing away on their phones they hadn't noticed eachother.

"sorry!" mei had blurted fast. right after she said it, she took a quick glance to hoseok and then another.

"w-wait, you look familiar?" the statement turned out more of a question.

hoseok seemed to have stiffened, awkwardly trying to keep his eyes to his device.

"uh, i dont think ive seen you before, but i gotta run sorry again," he breathed as he quickened his pace towards the street once again.

mei turned her head back, her mouth in an 'o' shape as she watched him disappear.

menda was just as confused as mei was, walking towards mei to see the commotion.

"what was that about?" she quizzed.

"i'm not sure, but let's go im starving!"


"okay, i dont think i can take another bite," mei groaned, lying down onto menda's bed as she pushed the box of pizza out of the way.

menda hummed in response as she too put her plate away. the two have been talking and munching the whole night of their not-so-brilliant plan.

"you know, im starting to feel sort of ridiculous that were taking this plan so seriously," menda spoke as she laid down next to mei."like im planning to steal my laptop back, and im taking a martial arts class for it. and who even knows if im actually going to confront the thief."

mei blinked and looked at her. "its better to be prepared. but i think its ridiculous that you're still taking the class, i mean its not like you're going into battle." she yawned after she spoke.

she was right. the whole plan was silly and totally not necessary, but she was stubborn to ask for community help. and besides, the skill of fighting gave her this sort of bravery and daredevil side that she'd never experienced before. she was up for the task. menda began getting impatient about the whole situation as she thought about how long she hasn't written or checked social media. suddenly, she stood up abruptly and sternly looked over at mei.

"i'm getting my laptop back tomorrow."



author's note;

this was sort of a rlly long filler chapter i guess

but shit's about tO GO DOWN YES

also i have very exciting plans coming up soon

1: im going to my hometown for the holidays in like less than a week!

2: im writing up a few new stories like wtf ok i just suddenly got a creative mind

basically it but stiLL SO STOKED

ok thx

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